Rezultati pronađeni: 220
01.04.2011 u Version 1.0 RC
Cool, im just hopeing a subsciption dont hurt player count.
Will we be alowed a tryout period for free on the subsripion version and will all unlocks be made known or will you need to discover them?
31.03.2011 u Adding friends
Ok thank you im verry confused on how it works and have never tried it. i have many friends in other browser based games i cant wait till they get here.
Um not likeing it. im gaining 7 or 10 and looseing 200-300
Ive thought hard about this one and ran alot of formulas through my head like Gold per city=GDP/aw gold total/citys ecetera but in the end it acured to me the issue is not really GDP its that there is no form of resorce in the game other then gold.

i propsed ways to add resorces to the existing system to help give reson to hold a week country and you can find them in other posts about this subject.

Unfortunatly GDP being the only determiation for income will no matter how hard you try make a ballanced game.
Adding things like dimonds in africa to sell for gold though would ballance it out. Though i dont know Y you would by dimonds durring war time? Maybe lazer infentry or some space aged tank.
31.03.2011 u India.
UM>>>>>>> Asia curently has china,japan and indea. if anything the other countrys need to have lower income OR more states.
I understand if your playing just asia then you have a good argument. In a world game though Asia is the bomb so makeing it even bigger would hinder the entire world.

I myself am an Audio Engineer and we have a saying when you cant here something.
is it to quiet or is something else to loud making it hard to hear.

in the case of to loud you turn the loud thing down makeing the quit thing come out more. in the case of to quit you just turn it up.

Asia i belive is to loud on the map and its fix needs to be turned down alowing other countrys to sound louder reflecting a better overall ballance.

Im not talking Big changes even makeing all the countrys in asia produce 7 units insted of 8 per turn would be a Big adjustment.
30.03.2011 u Proper Game Etiquette
I totaly agree some times Game ed. is verry Poor. I was taught to be fair and my play i feel is fair, I like to take the side of the underdog at times, other times i will just grow and smackdown or loose miserably. But in the end its GG even if i feel the deck was stacked.
NOW that said there is a Button in the player section labeled enemy. USE it and hopefully the designers will see some people making lots of them and watch those players ingame chat a little closer. You know put them on top of the watch list.
Pore Edicutt is a social issue and is determined by every single person differently. like burping or bowing. This is what makes up the rainbow of Human nature. But in the end You can be proud if you held fast to your belife and did not disrespect some one for poor or unsportsman type play.
Dont wana go around in circles hear ither but on a world map and with 20people games comming you should at leats put a 10 second delay in after the turn ends or something so slower people or ones who's win will be determined by deplomacy or adversly afacted by a game change can atleast keep on top of it somewhat.
30.03.2011 u Player pictures
Yes i belive you can its in your Edit Profile are. I use Jpeg. images i like keep them in a file on my desktop and when i want a new one i know where they are. Only some formats are suported so when you put a new picture in watch to see if the error comes up telling you its the wrong file type. Find a picture of the right type and put it in your pic then it should change to that pic.
30.03.2011 u Adding friends
My GF just started playing AW how do i link her acount so i get the SP and could it be added to the FAQ so others can look there for the answer so they too can get those points?
Your getting me all wrong.
I just played a game 2 seconds ago and like every other game it was all about bombers. Now if i could build a fighter that would kill lets say 2 bombers for the cost of 1 bomber then add Anti air to the defence the game would have been alot more interesting.
Now as far as stratagys go that give you better planes then you would get better fighters so there would be no NERF to the stratagy but it would make Bomber stacks easyer to kill WHEN! Not escorted by fighters.

Now thats my point your bomber unit is far supirior to all other units by a mileniem! Here is y.
Only good defensive unit vs bomber that incures a 2-1 losse ratio is not as mobile and killed easly when airlifted.
Bombers out range all other units
Bombers only need 1 infentry to take a city
Bombers with there superior move can stack and unstack at will to target multiple citys or units in the same turn at the FARTHEST distance
Bombers stop troop movement over sea and air in unprotected transports

1bazillion bombers with 1 melita takes a city in china with a million troops? Realy the only one takeing the city is the 1 guy smoking his pipe on the air transport?

Now along come fighters
Bombers are still good
bomber stacks still alow you to do al the things you do now but a player with fighters can counter your bombers BUT NOT YOUR GROUND TROOPS! and wars are won with the troops on the ground.

ALL conflicts in the History of war were won on only 3 conditions when it comes to battle thats Tarain/fortifications,troops strenght(includs what kinda troops they used here) and stratagy/leadership/Diplomacy.

Now in AW 70% of battles are basicly won with bombers. They need a counter not a nerf. I too love bombers and would hate to see there defence go down i actualy belive there defence should be higher du to the proximity efect alowing them to launch more sorties from a shorter distance(IE war for brittonVS Germany)

My LAST Point is you can not win a war with air supiriority alone you need troops on the ground. and the curent bomber defence dont reflect this bombers should be the last target for defending troops not the first. Becasue if i got 1 militia and you got 1 billion bombers you still cant take my city till you send in ground troops. so ground troops should be fighting other ground troops first.
ArrowHead Hit it right on the nose! Here is the real issue Bombers dont have a Vital counter troop as in real life.
this is what i think and i hope people agree.
Put Fighter into the game make it able to attack only other Plane and tank units but give tank units a bonus VS them to reflect that fighters are capable of removeing tanks but generaly a figher squad want take out a intire tanks squad on the first sorte.
Now as far as the stats go it would look something like this (for game ballance example only)

Range (greater then bombers)
-2att vs tanks, ships
+6 Att/Def vs Bombers
cannot target Infentry Merine or militia(or drop att VS them to 1)
Price 200

This would make it so adding a few anti-air units and fighters to your city would slow down bombers conciderably and also add the defencive unit the game is lacking.

Giving them supirior range would alow you to distroy almost any incoming unit as long as it was not on the ground or in a boat.

I also feel this would increase the amount of naval units and land units built by players to advanve on forign countrys.
No its not.
still have issues with a few things here is the short list but im shure with a few tweeks you will get them addresed in no time
1-game is all attack based, needs a better defence side.(or Unit maybe better defending militia)
2 Needs a Grow and go type of play right now is only land grab.(see #1)
3 New players will constantly hate the short game for about 2 weeks so needs a clock fix so advanced players can't turn the clock to 1-2min and enialate them
4 Late joins can still Blitz due to the ability to see the units on the map.(hide units from latejoins Add a choice button before you join that locks you out but lets you spectate)
5 defending ground troops should be hiting attacking ground troops before they are attacking air units. so that people NEED to have more ground units in there attacking bomber stacks then 1 milita.(Fix for #1)
6 boats are still alittle hard to move by denmark and Pen. USA (maybe alow boats to go though the land there)

thats it after those are fixed you get my vote. But i still give you guys 2 thumbs up for a great game:)
Yes im with you on that one and maybe a medal for killing them like any other unit.
29.03.2011 u Units
I agree and dis agree with bomber change I feel it should be that as in real life 2000 bombers come in and you got 10 tanks you hide them and wait for the infentry to try and take the city Therefor your ground units should attack enemy ground units first this would make people HAVE to build much more non bomber units and game play would be better.
29.03.2011 u Upgrades
Hell you could make 100"S of them if you wanted to alowing each player the ability to cosomize there own stratagy.

BUT REMEMBER this is how you get unballance in the game fast. so you need to consider that you cant make a unit broken by stacking verios upgrades on it.

Some i would propose are
Advanced Radar(citys can see stelty units ferther and non stelths)
Heavy Armour: Tanks get +1 Defence or hit point
Nuke subs and ships: harder to detect due to lower sound to listening devices(radar would not be affected though)
Transport bomber: alow you to carry bombs Nukes or long range missles in transports
towable ships: adds the ability for all boats to move 4 infentry in a small tow behind craft lowering its range when infentry are on bord and with subs they would loose stelth during towing.
Anti-Special Ops: your Merine can act as spyes and see other stelth units at a further distance
Advanced spy plain: Longer spot range for stelths
armourd jackets: +1 defence for militia
AK47:+1 attack for militia
Forign aid: you get 10% bonus to your income form a unknown forign country every week or build turn.
Mineing Melitia: increse income in citys where you have melitia by 10%
Entrenchment:+1 defence for land units Not tanks.
fortified city: Alows you to fortify a city giving units there a + to defence but lowering its income.
29.03.2011 u General and you.
I use My general in alot of ways
1st in the early game i like to use him to keep my cash high and defend my capital
Mid game i use his special attack ability stacking him with units he boosts after my capital is safe then use him to attack as a clean up unit behind my blitzing front line(Yes i dont stack units because it alows your oponent to attack all your gold at one time)
In the late game i like to have him finish off the player after weekinging there capital.

Now as far as the stack of doom goes they also give +1 to attacking units so it works both ways. as far as defence and offence.

I find my stratagy has changed to a less land grab stratagy and more to a broder look around for week points that only require a few units to kill or in transports alowing for greater looses and my general also alows me to be more flexable in this strategy im useing.
29.03.2011 u C&C what side
Like i said i was confused LOL
29.03.2011 u RESOLVED: Upgrade
Becasue it allows you to capture citys and move them to combine in your capital when defending from planes.
29.03.2011 u C&C what side
Ok i was confused on the Question. now i understand C&C=Camand and conquer i loved gdi.
For WWII Germany
For Afterwind Europe map its spain turky and britton.
For AW world its Japan,Indea,USA,China and south Korea
29.03.2011 u Sanctions for Leaving
What im trying to point out is the SP. I myself dont leave i always surender. But if i was going to loose 500sp Y would i leave? if i was to loose 10-100 maybe but not 500+.
Also you could put into the game that if a player leaves the winners still get the 1/2 sp of that player and this would solve the issue with those who dont leave.
29.03.2011 u Ideas about age
Yes a posible arcive would be great
29.03.2011 u Game Clock
Good idea.
Yea a transport is WEEK! i have killed 100 stacks becasue the player never put bombers or any type of defending troops with there transports. Im happy to see the game acts realisticly in this sence. Your troops are NOT defended in a transport guys. So when you send a transport send a few bombers or stelths with it, same for ocean going transports add a few distroyers or subs to help protect it or a good oponent will prepair for you to move units un protected. I myself suround my capital and other vital areas with stelth of small numbers just incase an invasion begins on the ground
Im not familier with the old system but am enjoying the game.

ALTHOUGH, You need to look at your history books a little bit more in order to get a better idea as to why defence is lacking.

Here are a few examples
War on brit's VS Germany
Germany had brits out numbered in air but sufferd much biger looses becasue defending plains are closer to there base and can launch more sorties(Bombers need better defence) they also had radar but the Proximity was what alowed there smaller force to kill far more germin plains almost a 2-1 loose consistantly. some times even greater.
Irac VS USA: Coalition forces distroyed the air and defensive units in no time BUT the groundforces Still had to be overwelming to get the irac army to surender
(You cant win with just air supiriority this can be reflected by alternating looses between air and ground units when someone sends 200 bombers+1 infentry to att a guy with 10infintry)they win the battle but dont gain the country.
there are other things too that make it better to be the defender in alot of situations please look into this and im shure with a few tweeks to the battle mecanics,way troops fight each other, move,and scores you will find your almost there.

This said i am verry pleased with the development of the game and also feel its game ballance that needs work but not on the unit side but on how they interact.
If you really wana make bombers weeker and alottle more realistic change the stratagy not the stats.
right now people can win a battle with only bombers+1 air trans and a militia. in real life the bombers would not win becasue even if there were 2 troops in the city they would attack the ground forces first and take cover from the bomber so i propose changing it so land units target other land units first. isent that the way it goes in real life? you got a guy pointing a gun at you and a plane comeing in to bomb you who is the bigger threat? the guy who is pointing the gun at you because the bomber may not know where you are and could hit there own guy when bombing.
I would like to thank the developers for there deep interest in the game, its players and there quick responce to sloving issues.
I have played many a browser based game and in genneral if its not a bug they dont do anything till it gets way out of hand or over abused.
I have noticed there hard work to continue developing a great browser turnbased global war simulator. The aditions of generals and the quick resonse in the forum shows they truely care about there product and there players concerns by working daily to make us all love the game more. its only made possible throught there hard work.

So Thank you so much, and i will do what i can to promote your hard work to my frineds to help to grow this great game.
Please post you thankyou here to give those guys a big HELL YEA and let them know we to care.
27.03.2011 u Sanctions for Leaving
Your leaving a game with lets say 100SP(a decent amount for a small map) realize you only looseing 50 sp and thats IF you win. But i do feel that a leaver should not be alowed to rejoin. I feel this because they usualy blitz the player who just took there capital and thats kinda pore sport. I also have seen them spam the chat as well.
General(Fieldmarshal) +1att for merines and for militia
General(Airmarshal)+1 att for bombers,fighters,Stelths
Cardbord Nuke. I got one and i dont know how to use it becasue it has 0 move.
27.03.2011 u Chat bar improvements
Thank you! i did not know about the hover over options.

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