Rezultati pronađeni: 579
28.12.2013 u Concerning Moderation
Point is: Tunder is God. Now lock thread.
We can't deny that there is tension and in some cases hate, frustration, and other emotions of the sort toward our mods.

I believe the sole cause of this is: Mods do a half ass job and only take action for 1/1000000 issues happen when they are online.
"If the mods aren't moderating, well what's the problem?"
The problem is that when the mods actually do issue punishments, the person receiving the punishments feels that the warnings issued are based upon personal reasons. This is understandable considering the fact that there are countless other members doing the same thing that caused this person to get a warning, yet they are able to get away with it without a punishment. The person who received the warning then spreads rumors about how he was treated unfairly and how mods abuse their powers.

So we are left with two options.

1.) Mods step up and stop being lazy.
I am not a fan of this option, especially since mods get easily butthurt when we spew racist comments. There's a type of rhythm we have when we speak to each other here on atwar. We call each other gay, faggots, dumbfucks and the lot. But the majority of the time that I use these phrases, I'm often being sarcastic and more importantly, the person I'm talking to understands that too. We all make jokes about british people, kebabs, arabs, jews, Americans, gays, jews, hitler, jews. The point is, we all are able to laugh and point out each others differences as well as laugh at our own. I don't think there is anybody here that really believes we should burn jews and homos. think deep down, everybody here as a mutual respect for everybody and all our 'racist remarks' are for shits and giggles. I make fun of british people all the time, yet I'm still friends with the leaders and officers in my clan that are British. I actually don't mind the british, I just think british jokes are hilarious. This is why I favor option two.

2.) Get rid of mods all together.
When was the last time somebody was being excessively bullied on atwar? When was the last time a mod took action in a case like that? I can't remember, can you? Mods don't really serve a point, except for getting people to stop spamming in the help and global chat. Even then, people still spam. I think we can manage ourselves as a community. We don't need mods.

Napisano od Xenosapien, 23.08.2013 at 15:46

Only for CWs and duels, it adds randomness and unpredictability to games instead of mindlessly following a set of moves, this makes you have to adapt to the game and such.

No. As PD, 5 inf usually beat 4 militia. If I know there's a chance a country with 4 militia might get a boost of units, I'll send 6 inf so I know I'll never lose. So now my standard move will be sending 6 inf instead of 5. There will never be a boost big enough to make me not get the country.

The boost is just annoying.
13.12.2013 u atWar Record Book
For the record with most points earned in a CW season, you need to make it two categories. One for 10 game season and the other for the 20 game season. Not really fair to group them together.
Give a rank 4 faster inf. He will still spam tanks.
Give a rank 4 expendable inf. He will still spam tanks.
Give a rank 4 Sky Menace. He will still play blitz or MoS.
Give a rank 4 Lucky inf, He will still spam tanks.
08.12.2013 u New Mods
I think everyone is missing the point of the original post...

The original point was that we have lots of active mods, but those mods are based in similar timezones, therefore they will most likely be sleeping and inactive at the same time for the same 6-8 hours everyday. These 6-8 hours are left with little to no moderators online. If moderators based in Asian timezones were hired, it wouldn't affect any of us since they'll be sleeping while we're playing and moderating while we're sleeping give or take a couple of hours.

For example I am up at 2am right now where I live in, 8am in UK so most of us are sleeping yet it's 3pm in China.
My apologies. Didn't realize there was an automatic resize of the picture in the IMG tags.

It is fixed.

An Island shaped like a male genital that has a lot of blood clots. The idea is to have everyone start at the testicle and reach the tip if played right. Should be fun, right?
I asked pontez about how the semi-finals are to be set up and he said that the third place of pool A plays third place of Pool B and so on. I don't really like this since people will be more inclined to throw matches so they get into a lower place so they don't have to fight a stronger opponent to get a medal. This will completely defeat the purpose of competition and it won't push people to their best.
Napisano od Madara, 03.12.2013 at 13:46

Very well done

Thank you. We look forward to our match with you and egg.
02.12.2013 u Medal Loss
Napisano od Guest, 02.12.2013 at 17:36

Napisano od Fockmeeard, 02.12.2013 at 17:04

Napisano od Cpt.Magic, 02.12.2013 at 16:32

All were saying y do all trophies have to because of competitive gameplay y cant there be 2 types of trophies fun trophies and competitive trophies and every one is not a competitive player so it would no be fair for the rest of us how will we get trophies??¿¿ we not saing give trophies out to people who lost tournaments are give them to people who didn't earn them

That's like having two types of money. You give one kind of money to the homeless and poor and another type of money to people who work at their job.

Hello, my name is Gardevoir, and I've spent over 1000 hours on Afterwind participating in the forums, starting and running coalitions, making extremely intricate maps, contributing to the game's all-around development (as all Beta players did), and am apparently not as important as your average 3v3 pleb and his copy/paste trophies. So, when do I start getting my welfare checks?

Napisano od VRIL, 02.12.2013 at 14:17

There are cartographer trophies and map contest trophies. And outstanding players have a chance to get the Player of the Year Trophy. So that should be covered.
02.12.2013 u Medal Loss
Napisano od Cpt.Magic, 02.12.2013 at 16:32

All were saying y do all trophies have to because of competitive gameplay y cant there be 2 types of trophies fun trophies and competitive trophies and every one is not a competitive player so it would no be fair for the rest of us how will we get trophies??¿¿ we not saing give trophies out to people who lost tournaments are give them to people who didn't earn them

That's like having two types of money. You give one kind of money to the homeless and poor and another type of money to people who work at their job.
02.12.2013 u Medal Loss
Napisano od Guest, 02.12.2013 at 14:47

and I believe players who accomplish just about anything should receive a trophy for it.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Just like how we give every kid a trophy at the end of the season of a rec league sport when they played like shit the entire time?

This is the problem. People like you. "Ah, it's just a game. It's suppose to be for fun. Lets give fun trophies to EVERYBODY" and I suppose football and the Olympics are played for fun as well and everybody should get a trophy and medal just because they have a nice personality? You people suck the competiveness out of the game like a vacuum. You play your little UNs and scenarios and what is the competitive scene left with? noobs who don't know how the hell to play and need to be taught at rank 7 or 8 how to properly play.

This is a game. Nobody plays this because they find joy in clicking and moving a bunch of dots with a number on it. If you do you have a MAJOR problem. You find joy in killing and beating a rank 8/9/10 as a messily rank 5/6/7. Not just that, but the respect you earn from those experienced players is what fun you have in this game. You only find joy in this game when you're winning and that fact is what drives the competitive scene. The entire scene you people who are all about 'fun' are ruining.
30.11.2013 u PotM November '13
Couldn't have thought of a better candidate. Congrats Tac!
26.11.2013 u Alliance-Break
Play team games or play with higher ranks since higher ranks don't allyfag as much.
Trolls are persistent and will keep coming back and will keep needing to be kicked. If you have 3+ spectators that need to be kicked than it will be an overwhelming task to keep kicking them as well as play the game.
Yes. You set it by typing in: /afk

When you do this, you are set as AFK until you type in the same command which will mark you as not AFK.
The system works well with automatically setting the user to AFK when the user is a gone for a certain amount of time and it automatically goes back to normal when you interact with the interface of atwar. What's not so great is how people can set themselves to AFK and still be able to interact with the interface. If you set yourself to AFK then it should automatically take you off of AFK when you interact with the atwar interface.
Napisano od Soul, 24.11.2013 at 12:53

Napisano od Guest, 24.11.2013 at 10:47

Napisano od EndsOfInvention, 24.11.2013 at 09:39

Napisano od Permamuted, 24.11.2013 at 09:24

Id like to see fock get this

I wanted to participate for him

Syrian Force kept disconnecting while me and Soul tried to set up a 2v2 match with him. The joke was he had to unplug everything to have enough electricity to play atwar since he lived in Syria. He couldn't get his fridge unplugged and that's the reason he never got online to play.

Was an inside joke. Thank you for voting. <3
Fock needs a general to be OP and game option pack to make 3v3s and 1v1s <3
22.11.2013 u Dalmati and future
When we do the reunion day in December, there should be an epic CW or 3v3 or something between Dalmati and Biteme! or something. That would be epic.
Thank you for moving Pulse. <3
I completely agree.

I see no reason why this thread should of been locked:
Napisano od Guest, 21.11.2013 at 18:20

Napisano od Fockmeeard, 21.11.2013 at 18:12

Napisano od Guest, 21.11.2013 at 18:11

I don't have a fridge

Your donkey counts.

it's a horse, not a donkey

My bad.
Napisano od Guest, 21.11.2013 at 18:11

I don't have a fridge

Your donkey counts.
Simple poll.
21.11.2013 u Dalmati and future
I played WWII again a couple days ago. I was China fighting a rank 10 Japan. This rank 10 didn't TB at all, never wf'd, never walled except for first turn on important cities. This player probably knows nothing about turn priority and how that affects everything you attempt to do in that move. All this player did was spam units and because of how unbalanced the map is, he won. I used up every single reinforcement on my land and I was outmatched by about 30-60 units.

You make Japan OP for the sake of role playing and having western USA save the day by spamming bombers at Japan. It is because of this reason that the skill level of everybody has decreased. You morons would rather roll play than actually learn how to properly play the damn game. Making maps gives you no more credibility, if anything it gives you less credibility as you're spreading the cancer by doing so.
When somebody writes something in the lobby it should have a time (based upon whichever time zone the admins choose) written right after their name as well as a global clock somewhere on the interface of the game. Lobby can be pretty quiet at night, so if somebody advertises 'CW' or something, it's kind of awkward if you reply a long time after the person posted it.

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