Rezultati pronađeni: 1210
01.08.2014 u Weeks of Work Undone.
How strange...
Opi is the ultimate example of an RP-fag
The Senate is rallying under our Tik-toks banner, we will return much stronger!
Napisano od Pyrrhus, 30.07.2014 at 07:38

So, what exactly comes after the Senate?

Imperator Tik Tok!
You have been beaten by these so-called scenario players (even adog, just checked your duels lol) in 3v3.

For a lot of 3v3ers, it is hard to face the reality that they are only good in one map, so they compensate by just playing it more and then building a false aura of elitism (not saying many if not most 3v3ers are skilled). However, in a way, its like the RPers who feel uncomfortable ever playing anything but RP.

And sometimes (like in your case) even after spending every day on atwar in 3v3 still manage to get beaten by people who just play it whenever they feel like it. gg
We are investigating the situation. That image is not conclusive though, since it is turn 4 and also we do not know if he was the first to leave or the reasons why.
28.07.2014 u First Punic War
I already made it but you are welcome to try. Thing is with your map, the first punic war was majority a naval action. From the size of yours it seems its just the typical "naval transport is rarely tbed and destroyers are not very useful, ergo rush infantry to the cities" map. Oh and lastly carthage or rome themselves were never the objective of the war so why are they the capitals? The entire war was centered around sicily for a reason.
Very, very nice map. And yes the Senate does approve and welcomes skilled map makers like syrianforce into its union.
I think what he is saying is that everyone can have their own ban list but the Universal Senate Ban list ( is held to a different, higher standard.
Here is the Senate's public ban list:

If you are a map maker and would like to join the Senate, contact adog
I pledge my loyalty to the Senate.
Tik-Tok did nothing wrong.
18.07.2014 u Generals back? :D
Napisano od The Tactician, 17.07.2014 at 09:33

I have the solution: Make PD premium and generals for free.


Also support
18.07.2014 u FFA suggestion.
Does anyone remember the "Disable alliances" feature we used to have?

Why the admins removed it I have no idea.
03.07.2014 u Skill gap
Skill = the ability to adapt to any situation and win

being good at expanding as ukraine or something =/= skill, that is just memorization

A skilled player will join any game on atwar, scan the units, pick the best strategy, see the strategic locations on the map, understand EXACTLY the mechanics of atwar's combat system and movement system, can use walling to maximum advantage, is a persistant player (does not give up if he encounters a setback), and does not lose focus even in long games.

Ideally, the best way to test skill would be a random map generator but that is just my dream
Interesting but ultimately the scale is too huge. In a way it simulates the enormity of the conflict but in atwar its just beyond the scope of the game. Secondly units are wonky, like battle droids have 7/7 costing 50 yet super battle battle droids are 8/8 and cost like triple. Finally the background is just blurry and an eyesore, in addition to the fact that when you zoom out you can't even see who has control of sectors since the planets are tiny.

These are just my opinions and you can check out my clone wars that is a 2v2 to compare and contrast
11.06.2014 u Mapmakers Strike
Napisano od Ivan, 11.06.2014 at 02:44

We have decided to create such a list. Hopefully it would help.

I am surprised nobody else quoted this. Awesome, thanks Ivan!

So the strike is a success? It is over?
10.06.2014 u Mapmakers Strike
You can just enemy list wfers, you can recover from a wf


10.06.2014 u Mapmakers Strike
I propose something like the following for the first person to leave any game;

1st turn leave is ban from atwar for 1 day
2nd turn 12 hours
3rd turn 6 hours
4th turn 3 hours
5th turn 1 hour
If someone waits 6 turns to troll well joke in on them since they wasted 20 minutes of their own life which is pathetic.

If you try to leave there should be a warning message "Are you sure you want to leave this game? You will incur a temprorary ban from atwar for x (days/hours) for this action."

Every time you leave again your ban is doubled in time, which resets every month. So if you first turn leave another game in the same month ban goes up to 2 days, then 4, then 8, etc.

EXCEPTIONS to this rule are;
1. someone has already left in the first 5 turns, you can leave with no ban since game is ruined
2. You are the only person in the map or scenario (ie: testing)

People say they have "got to go" a lot of the times when they leave, so if you REALLY "got to go" then you won't care about getting banned from joining other games since you are not on atwar. Most people just first turn leave so they can join the latest RP
Well said tunder but we are getting Tempted to take down RP then it will be game over for the RP crowd
09.06.2014 u Mapmakers Strike
Ok took down my popular maps, ultimate civil war and shogunate political

EDIT: All I ask for is some kind of punishment for leavers, like making it so you can't join another game for 6 hours
Gg, no re
Napisano od SQUARED, 29.05.2014 at 18:00

Napisano od Professor Adog, 29.05.2014 at 17:50

Well, we look at the maps as examples of work obviously we can ONLY judge in the submitted maps.

You should have made this clearer.

I must say though, I am a little concerned that a maps popularity has no effect on the outcome of this competition. It's all very well making a map with great borders, but if noone plays it, is it really a good map at all?

I'd argue maps like "The Great War" and "The Greater War" are more deserving of the award than Ultimate WWI, for example, simply because they get played, whereas Ultimate WWI does not.

There are intricate works of cartographic art that never get noticed because of the following

1)most atwar players are creatures of routine, and would rather play the trash they played a million times than try something new
2) most atwar players are cultureless bydlos with scant education, content to roll around in the pigsty that is RP and UN slobbering down their mass produced high fructose corn syrup SP
3) most atwar players are autists who can't manage much strategy other than make a big stack and take the cap so they prefer small maps with lots of reinforcements and money

So yeah, I don't take the popularity of the masses as counting for anything.
It SHOULD be banned for SP farming, at least in the long term. I hate how popular it is but we can't really stop people from liking what they like. But the ridiculous amount of SP is rewarding its awful playerbase. So you get rank 6s who don't wall and stuff
Update Turnblock as outlined here:

And as already been said multiple times, fix the bug that allows land units to make walls on water that are unbreakeable
23.05.2014 u Enigma WW1
In atwar the longer a trench (with more points of attack) the less useful it is as it becomes basically impossible to defend
Have you guys heard this? I think this is adog's view on RP, it is hilarious
Right now transports full of troops are very difficult to turnblock with warships. For example, 3 transports full of 45 infantry cannot even be turnblocked by 10 destroyers very easily. This is totally inaccurate and makes having ships even more useless than they already are unless with NC sort of. Same goes for air transports not easily tbed by bombers. Ground troops in transports should not count towards the TB! Make air/naval superiority matter!

Or just do this already!
20.05.2014 u Kosovo
Napisano od Skanderbeg, 20.05.2014 at 11:14

Napisano od Aetius, 20.05.2014 at 10:58


American supporting Serbia?

No wait this is first time i see anyone support Serbia.

You must be from eastern europe or Russia, there isnt logical explanation why would american support Serbia :/

I like balkan history (I made a lot of roman/byzantine scenarios) and know that at one point Prishtina was the capital of the serbian kingdom. Kosovo is serbian land, albanians just migrated there and albanians are basically balikan-kebab race. To be honest I just take the serbian side because they have a great history and remove kebab. As for the US government well I don't like our government at all and hope it goes bankrupt for mismanaging this country and the world so poorly
20.05.2014 u Kosovo

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