I love people who makes Eu games. Not Eu+ games though, just Eu games.
I also love how the starting cash is 50k.
I love these people who make said games and then set the victory condition to hold enemy capital for 0 turns.
Nothing rustles my jimmies like seeing one of these games in the main room and then going to watch them.
I love how the clowns who makes these games always pick turkey. Because they know! They know without Russia, Ukraine cannot counter them.
I also love how if the victims of these clowns pick turkey as their 1st pick, they get kicked.
But you know what I love even more? I LOOVE how they wall fuck you turn one, as if being turkey wasn't enough of an advantage on Eu 50k that they need to resort to the cheapest of tactics.
But do you know what I absolutely love the most, love more than my family? I love ruining these clowns, and I love doing it in the most ironic way possible.
Heck if they aren't going to play fair, what motivates me to play fair versus them?
I decided to omit the names of these clowns in order to avoid naming and shaming them in public.