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Scenarios are...

the solution to everything!
good enough

Ukupno glasova: 243
30.04.2011 - 01:31
 Ivan (Admin)
30.04.2011 - 11:36
I have to say that there is a lot of rubbish right now... I hope it turns to normality again... There are good scenarios but many bad ones...
30.04.2011 - 14:07
30.04.2011 - 14:46
True and it shouldn't count for medals!!!
30.04.2011 - 15:19
I think they are fantastic- but instead of having a single palce where everyone saves them- how about letting us save the file to our computer somehow? *but the problem wth that is somehow someone will mod it and make themselves be invincible blah blah blah*
30.04.2011 - 16:50
Napisano od takeanap_oleon, 30.04.2011 at 14:46

True and it shouldn't count for medals!!!

I made three medals today that can't be a coincidence... This just isn't fair!
30.04.2011 - 18:57
Napisano od takeanap_oleon, 30.04.2011 at 14:46

True and it shouldn't count for medals!!!

Lolwut? I've made multiple medals in one game before scenarios came out. Scenarios add customization only. Medal rewards should still apply to scenario games.
Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a prominent nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.
01.05.2011 - 09:23
Napisano od Mahdi, 30.04.2011 at 18:57

Napisano od takeanap_oleon, 30.04.2011 at 14:46

True and it shouldn't count for medals!!!

Lolwut? I've made multiple medals in one game before scenarios came out. Scenarios add customization only. Medal rewards should still apply to scenario games.

I've played a scenario in which i satarted with 100 tanks and got the third round 150 bombers... It can't be compared with the nrmal afterwind... To get the medals i just have to get an guest account on a second computer, create a scenario with even more units and get medals and Sp for nothing!
Not even mentioning practically skypping ranks!
It destroyes the whole system that way.
01.05.2011 - 09:29
I say to avoid bad games they should be played or singed as not approved as "playable" by mods because there is a lot of bulls***...
The idear is totally right of creating scenarios on our own, but right now I fear that there are no limits and a fair play isn't garateed.
01.05.2011 - 10:43
 Amok (Admin)
Don't worry, we've thought of that, that's why you get much less SP for scenario units.
01.05.2011 - 10:45
 Amok (Admin)
Oh, and we've got extensive statistics that we monitor, so those abusing the SP system by creating SP-farm scenarios will be severely punished.
01.05.2011 - 13:00
Excellent system indeed. It's a pity that it'll take some time for decent/good scenarios to fight their way through all the garbage, but I guess that can't really be helped..
Who knows, maybe one day we'll get Afterwinds equivalent of DotA
When the Man comes around.
01.05.2011 - 15:14
Napisano od FreeeLancer, 01.05.2011 at 13:00

Excellent system indeed. It's a pity that it'll take some time for decent/good scenarios to fight their way through all the garbage, but I guess that can't really be helped..
Who knows, maybe one day we'll get Afterwinds equivalent of DotA

There are a few really good ones already, like WWII by rain, Urlander world build by urlanderpendragon, and I myself try to make the best I possibly can.
01.05.2011 - 16:27
You should have put another option there, Ivan:

Radically unbalanced in every game you enter.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
01.05.2011 - 20:11
I don't see many scenarios games compared to normal maps now. In my opinion it was just a fever since everything is new at the moment.

Let the time take care of it and we will be able to enjoy well balanced and hard worked scenarios. For now all I can say is, avoid playing the unbalanced ones and use the rating option, that way the community will take care of those trolling maps for itself.
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
02.05.2011 - 04:49
@ Ivan/Amok: Could you please enable spawning/modifying neutral units in neutral countries capitals ?
When the Man comes around.
02.05.2011 - 05:07
 Ivan (Admin)
Napisano od FreeeLancer, 02.05.2011 at 04:49

@ Ivan/Amok: Could you please enable spawning/modifying neutral units in neutral countries capitals ?

Will be fixed in the new update.
02.05.2011 - 14:06
Scenarios are good, but I still like the original game
03.05.2011 - 22:59
The New senerios are awsome! I feel its a Wonderfull way to add more to a good game without spending man hours paying people to decide what the comunity likes.

I do agree there is a can of abuse that is opend like making a senreio that SP spams. So i think the solution to this would be to Have You the developers Put a Oficial seal onto those senerios that are genuine and alow SP to be normal and put all others into a tryal state where you get 10% SP till it is deciced its not a spam then move it to just open or some mid level where people get sp but not as much as a normal game or an offical Senerio.

I would also like to see More rate catagorys and a selection for the designer to fill out some thiing like
Game length
number of players for good play

you know kinda like stats for the senerio that apear when you click on it to decide to play it.

Another thing i would like is to see AW force people when the senerio is over to chose to rate or decline. This i feel is fair for those who have put in hard work but folks either dont know or dont feel like fining time to rate the senerio.

i feel this last addition would help you to decide what senerios to try out for official rating. for trying ever one would not be posible.
Where's the BEEF!
04.05.2011 - 10:12
Napisano od UrlanderPendragon, 03.05.2011 at 22:59
I do agree there is a can of abuse that is opend like making a senreio that SP spams. So i think the solution to this would be to Have You the developers Put a Oficial seal onto those senerios that are genuine and alow SP to be normal and put all others into a tryal state where you get 10% SP till it is deciced its not a spam then move it to just open or some mid level where people get sp but not as much as a normal game or an offical Senerio.

It would take too much time.. time better spent on improving the game or advertising it xd
Besides, what exactly would the criteria be for getting the official seal ? The amount of fun ? Game balance ? Historic accuracy (for historic scenarios) ? IMO the current system is ok, as long as mods check from time to time for exploity scenarios and exploity gamers.. For instance, I saw today 2 players who even named their map "earning SP" or something like that..

Napisano od UrlanderPendragon, 03.05.2011 at 22:59
Another thing i would like is to see AW force people when the senerio is over to chose to rate or decline. This i feel is fair for those who have put in hard work but folks either dont know or dont feel like fining time to rate the senerio.

This is a great idea IMHO.

Loving the new additional settings for scenarios btw.
It would be nice to be able to change the amount of units available in reinforcement pool, but I have a feeling that'll come with the announced civil casualties update.
When the Man comes around.
07.05.2011 - 08:33
Would you please add a function for notes to be left on scenarios. Would be a function to leave notes for wanted changes on scenarios by players...

07.05.2011 - 11:29
Napisano od Expansionism, 07.05.2011 at 08:33

Would you please add a function for notes to be left on scenarios. Would be a function to leave notes for wanted changes on scenarios by players...


They have an app forum for that.

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