19.08.2018 - 00:16 Since HTML5 came out, all we have done is complain about how the game is dying, stagnating, and the center of relentless drama. That may be true, but all we have been doing is splitting apart. Making enemies, tearing apart mods and admins that are helping the game, trying to get each other banned, hating on other maps to get another map popular, and much more. AtWar has been engulfed in politics from players such as Tunder, Adog, Hellykin, Empirezz, and a few others including myself. But politics is meant to come with an online risk game. But politics like this, aren't really liked about any of the community. It draws away players. It slows down map production, it slows down clan competition, it slows down everything in general. People get sick of other peoples crap. Yes, I'm with a group of political views in AW, but that does not mean we control everything or try to rule out people. Yes, other people compete with us, and yes, we compete with them and it's vice-versa. I ask you all to watch this video, as many times as you want.. and think about this game and what's happening. Stop flame waring everything, rather support it, or compete against it. Don't try to bring stuff down. That lets other people know that this game is just full of trolls and people with grudges. Let people do what they wish unless they are in a healthy competition with someone, then they have every right to risk what they have. I ask you all to stop your differences and start helping out this game. The editor is still workable to an extent, so it isn't like we have no editor. all the communities are still alive as all their maps are still played. Which is evidence the game is not dying at all. Just stagnating. I hope you can understand. ~Alois
19.08.2018 - 02:26
Speaking of stagnation, I collected some data about it in 2016. I might give it a 2018 update this week: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=24478
19.08.2018 - 06:17
19.08.2018 - 07:53
Would have been nice if you could have mentioned my opposition to said politics instead of grouping me up with infamous schemers. This is essentially the view I have been trying to share for a couple of years. Atwar politics are retarded and a massive waste of time. Preserve such scheming for rome forum games or some RPG, not atwar. I am glad you have seen the light however, makes atwar a little less cancerous. ![]()
19.08.2018 - 08:35
Drama has been apparent in this game since 10 November 2010. This game began dying on 30 December 2012, possibly even before that. At this point we exist upon carrion.
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