Kaska Račun izbrisan |
08.08.2018 - 00:57 Kaska Račun izbrisan
Battle royal amongst the mods, see who survive ; Clovis will kick him out. GG, no more mods, cause as Acquiesce told me once, before he forced me to delete account, " i'm not here to help ".
08.08.2018 - 06:54
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I've received several messages from many different players about inactive mods. Thanks for reaching me! I understand and think that's fair many of the points that you guys are making. Personally I dislike to demote inactive mods. I've spoke about this topic with the other admins and the mod team, and we're all in the same page with this. You guys can take Sultan's comments as if he was speaking for the whole Staff here. Behind said, I think it's also fair to listen to the community, since it seems like a lot of people are against it. Perhaps we can reach a middle ground? Something like 1 year inactivity (with the ability to regain mod just by asking for it) sounds fine to me. If we reach this or any other agreement here, let me know so that I can propose it to the mods.
08.08.2018 - 08:54 ![]() Reiterative. Why care about inactive mods? Care about the active ones.
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08.08.2018 - 15:13
you arent kidding when u used the word redundant ![]() thanks for actually reading my post ![]()
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09.08.2018 - 02:09
Give me 3 serious problems innactive mods cause and then clovis can consider anything he wants with the rest of the staff.
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12.08.2018 - 22:14
>be inactive for 364 days so the game wont tell 1y >come back for a second >leave for another 364 days ok wait this wont work clovis will notice. >get demoted for not doing shit >yo clovis i know i didnt do anything, can i PLEASE be a mod again? >yes why not >cool i am off for another year every demote has a fair reason, as long as the reason stays dont allow mods to come back just because they asked for it, let them show you activity also a year is too much and id say 3 months would be more logical cause come on anyone must have a wifi atleast once in 3 months to log in and out
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
12.08.2018 - 22:19
1.making the team look big while not, this can cause 7 mods do the work of 12 mods (made the numbers up, dont be a bitch about them) 2.making the active mods to look on the inactive and say "i can keep my modship without being active" 3.makes the community seek for help which will never come becuase of inactivity. an example: messaging a inactive mod to remove a ban from some map maker list (happens a lot as far as i know), the mod dont answer and the player is still banned. now you can allow clovis do his work without asking you how to do it and checking if chess is ok with that?
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
13.08.2018 - 03:35
1. This is so wrong. How are 7 mods doing the work 12???? Thay doesn't even make sense. There isn't a certain number of mods if you haven't understood that already. 2. I have already answered this. No mod will ever do that. And if he does, who the fuck cares. The other mods will cover up for him. 3. Why the fuck would you go to an innactive moderator for help, like please answer me that. Do you realise that all your arguements are damn and don't cause any problem at all?
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13.08.2018 - 06:51
ok i think has gone too far, you just ignoring everything i say first off, you answered your damn first question with the your second i will quote for you to see it better, cause you might have missed that
they will cover up for him. thus if there are 8 mods and one goes inactive for 10 months (wont be demoted because not a year) the other 7 mods will need to cover him, while if he just retired the admins and the mod team will get a replacement, like they did when you/lao left for... ughhhh...... reasons? also i said i made the numbers up why you are so blind, the numbers can be worng but the idea isnt so i will give exact numbers: there are 3 admins in the atwar team, which active or not we are not talking about them, followed with 15 mods while 4 of them did not have a game in more than 2 years those mods are clearly not active, 3 of them havnt posted anything in the forums since 2017 those mods does no work and makes 11-12 do work of 15, while if demoted, will be replaced with better and suited players, also, those 3-4 mods should cover timezones and make that atleast 1 mod is online all the time, but then again, inactive, other mods need to stay up to maintain atwar, or, if they cant, then no mods online, and you can see that this is not the best thing for the community i hope thats cover your 1. and 2. for 3.those mods still go online every few days/weeks players see them online (probably for not longer than 10 minutes) and asking them for help, the mod is gone.... and no help is made i hope thats cover your 3.
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() >playing atwar: ![]() Furthermore, I consider that NWE must be destroyed
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