30.09.2017 - 08:04
You are another one of those entitled people. When you bought premium you bought the strategies, settings etc. You didn't pay for updates.
30.09.2017 - 10:54
Actually I bought premium when there was a supported map editor and a competitive scene on aw. Both things they left to die. Aswell I never had server issues more then once a week prior to html5 now it's daily multiple times a day. There is no entitlement, I want the product I paid for in 2013, and Gardevior is older then me so I bet he feels the same way. There ain't a single premium strategy I use nore do I barley ever host games, due to comp bring almost completly dead and super toxic, and map editor stagnated the map creation scene.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.09.2017 - 10:59
It's no suprise you can't read and relise it's a hypothetical situation to sun tzus answer to "we don't have to accept it" Bonker bought me 3 packages in 2012 I bought the rest of premium for 12 USD I'm not hard up for cash anymore. The only thing I want to see happen is this game get better.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.09.2017 - 11:04
What about the people who paid for this game when it was in a much more stable state? As aw stands now, I wouldn't of spent a dime on this, it's borderline unplayable now. Im not asking for them to make this game a huge success I only want the game I payed for before amok fucked the servers up and scrapped the map editor.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
30.09.2017 - 11:58
I never actually bought Premium I believe, though I've donated money in the past back in the Beta days, and I think I bought some protocoins once. I'm planning on buying a T-Shirt at some point soon as well, I'm notoriously fashionable. Nonetheless I feel strongly for this game's past and future and want to see it succeed. It's a great concept and just needs a full development staff to really fine tune it. I would be more than willing to help out however I can- as has been the case for the better part of six years now- as I've tried (to varying degrees of cringe-ness) for that same amount of time, but it seems as though the Admins and Moderators always have a sense of superiority among them. What the hell happened to flower power and turn-blocking? The former I believe was removed because of it's abuse among players that were prevalent in 2011, and turn blocking I believe was only nerfed. Never seems to work for me though, however. I remember when I 1v1'd Fruit back in March 2011 and discovered how to turnblock, then him and the rest of SRB discovered flowering, walling, turnshitting, etc shortly after. Those Roblox guys discovered how to make "water" in the map maker, the Kong guys discovering multi-browser boosting, etc. This game has been one about community discovery of unintended aspects and quirks, and those in my opinion are what gave this game personality. Yet those sorts of things are removed and frowned upon. Instead we get a half-functioning game and a staff that (outside of Sun Tzu, who seems to be a pretty stand-up guy who gives a damn about this game) don't dedicate enough time to hiring more staff to develop the game for them. It's a shame, it really is.
30.09.2017 - 14:10
You cant look gay and nerd at the same time. You have to pick one.
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30.09.2017 - 14:17
Kek, I haven't been a faggot since High School nibba.
03.10.2017 - 11:40
Sun tsu is one of the greatest Admins in aw right now
---- Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. ![]()
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03.10.2017 - 19:41 WebSocket closed Račun izbrisan
Suntsu is all about marketing. "Its all about the money"
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