njab Račun izbrisan |
31.08.2019 - 16:17 njab Račun izbrisan
Your clan is simply the best. On EU+ 5k 4v4 with extra cities on. No Ukraine. With Poland and Ireland for you. And Karlo13 playing lategame. On other settings not so much. But you still the best. Congrats from njab and Karlo13! ![]()
01.09.2019 - 09:04
Your last 5 games vs illyria : 1 2n2 4 3n3 5 defeats ![]() Still blame poor karlo, who has higher rank than chill, what a bad leader you are... Just Try to be a little bit less bitter man, who cares anyway You'll probably write a shitty answer since apparently u spend your all day on the forum and are the kind of kid who like to have the last word, but truth be told u had many occasions to win the season, you just lost to low elo clans too many times when we didn't When. You're 100 elo points behind u better shut up
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njab Račun izbrisan |
01.09.2019 - 10:22 njab Račun izbrisan
"Hey let's act intelligent and pinpoint to 5 games we won, while turning the blind eye to 5 games we lost No one will notice Ever Trust me"
01.09.2019 - 10:27
I just picked the last 5, can u read? If u have time to lose check the previous cws
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njab Račun izbrisan |
01.09.2019 - 10:31 njab Račun izbrisan
I see only 3 standard EU+ games there, nothing spectacular in beating someone three times in a row, even five But it's pointless to explain basic statistics to someone like you, so I won't bother, cya
01.09.2019 - 10:32
LOL someone like me, sure bro, U just take a part of my comment and post on it, keep digging
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njab Račun izbrisan |
01.09.2019 - 10:34 njab Račun izbrisan
I learned it from the best at it, you and people like you D
Da li ste sigurni?