27.03.2015 - 15:10
---- Hi
10.04.2015 - 02:00
Why improve HW when the only players using it have so much more experience than most and $35000 to blow? if HW is improved, the high level players will be kicking butt with it along with all the other advantages they already have; Anyone with $35000 in sp laying around is generally, already "overpowered"; if the playing field is kept level; more noobs (like me) will hang in there; the LAST thing that AW needs is a super expensive strategy that grants the high level players an even wider advantage; facetiousness: next we'll get a $150,000 strategy called Nuke'em that employs nuclear missiles that act like real nuclear missiles; (thank God that the nukes in the current AW games now are essentially costly and very underpowered)
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
10.04.2015 - 06:35
Because not much people use it. Anyway, the point of this thread is to make the strategy viable, not overpowered.
Unknown Gamer Račun izbrisan |
10.04.2015 - 08:59 Unknown Gamer Račun izbrisan ![]()
10.04.2015 - 09:35
Support. Since the strategy exists, we might as well make it viable.
12.04.2015 - 21:20
The issue is not viability; the AW designer says he's gonna reduce the cost of marines by -100; that's not viability; that's overpowering
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
12.04.2015 - 21:39
http://atwar-game.com/home/units.php look at the hybrid warfare, marine stats are crap. -1:-1 attack:def. also an addtional -1 def nerf to city defence in city or line( if marine is in stack with units like infantry that makes walls). bascically it a -1 attack - 2 defence marine. Hw's marine has 2 defence, 6 attack now. most normal marine and gw marine has maximum of 7 attack and 4 defence( if u include in city defence bonus). marine are slow but numerous, you can't even hold cities with them. also breaking enemy walls is futile unlike most strat that can use bombers to break walls, but Hw bombers are weak and usually die when breaking walls. also tanks are crap, they may have 9 attack, but tanks have one defence, which is very bad. Hw tanks are like a bascally u get -3 defence for tanks for +1 offense. Not to mention tanks get + 10 extra cost. infantry is unreliable to attack with it gets -3 attack to a measely one defence bonus and a +10 cost. Now you may says why not use them both, once your tanks runs out u can't attack anymore, just defend with infantry, the expensive cost is a burdern to your economy. infantry if your infantry diess so does your tanks as well, since it has no protection at all. bascially it is unbalance. i can play Rentless attack and beat any hybrid warfare player anyday, considering not a continental fight which europe has an upper hand. bascally as ra i have cheap tanks with a high mobility, in a close game, my tanks can jsut trample my opponent army since hw marine can't do squat to my tanks death squads.and Hw infantr ycould stop me, but with ra high mmobility i can just infiltrate hw lands wiith ease. oh yea it takes 6 hw infatry to kill one ra tanks. one ra tanks can kill 8 hw tanks. oh yea Hw militia have crap defence thanks to that 1 unecessary nerf to militia defence. oh goody for ra i can trample their hw militia to death. RA> HW
---- Hi
12.04.2015 - 21:54
SM > hw, high mobility bombers can move so quick. any hw have to give up. imp vs hw. imp can spam spam spam and win. PD can beat hw,, spam spam spam infantry to strong for hw.. gc is similaar to hw. but have a slightght edge to hw since no higher tanks and infantry cost and - 2 nerf for infantry and tanks, better than hw. remember one Hp is equivalent to 1.5 attack/defence. nc will dominate the 7 ssea, high transport capacity. gw will break hw formation eaasily. IF will crush hw since it has a 3 attack 3 defence strength to all unit. lb
---- Hi
13.04.2015 - 01:05
I can't believe U wrote all of that just to get an HW advantage; geez; that's unreal dude
---- /s/ Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss
13.04.2015 - 05:20
Hw is basically unplayable now shut your trap.
---- Hi
14.04.2015 - 14:45
HW is not unplayable... its pretty decent if people actually know how to play it D. Show some interest in the strat instead of just mockering from things you've hurt from others
14.04.2015 - 15:22
i played it and was crap,
---- Hi
14.04.2015 - 15:47
Thats your opinion. How many times did you play it? where did you play it? what funds? which players played against you?
14.04.2015 - 15:52
3 times one time i used it in north america as usa: northeast against a mexico Pd player name God. i lost as hw because it lack firepower and defence and my unit are weak as hell and strong one are espensive as hell
---- Hi
14.04.2015 - 15:57
How was your expansion? What was your income at turn 5. And with what units did you play?
14.04.2015 - 16:23
it was an espensive country with hw, i can barely make tanks but marine was cheaper so i made them due to a higher reinforcment. but god pd infatry rip my marine to shreds since it has weak attack with only 2 defence. tanks is awful it easily get killed by Pd Infantry, the trouble i had was gathering up enough soldiers but tanks is too espensive and marine are too weak with low stat. marine get a -2 defence nerfed with HW. Hw infantry is crap since it's slow and espensive. infantry/ tank cost lots and have 3 points taken with only one point buff. so it's a -3 defence for one measely defence and +10 cost for tanks is horrendously bad. and vice versa for Infantry.
---- Hi
14.04.2015 - 16:34
So your opinion was based on 3 games, where in one of them you made a bad decision by taking a expensive country which caused you to play without tanks. Which is the strongest unit in HW. Does this mean SM is also a bad strategy because it doesnt fit on germany because its hard to play with bombers on germany. (just an refference) The thing with HW is, its a combination of GC/GW. Protect with Infantry attack with militia/marines/tanks. Which could be quiet OP when played right distriction and income.
14.04.2015 - 16:38
the problems is tanks and infantry are expensive and useless.HW is too predictable to beat.
---- Hi
14.04.2015 - 17:00
How are tanks and infantry useless? They are the main units of the strat. The tanks are pretty OP at the cost of weaker deffense. The infantries have high deffence at the cost of weaker attack. This is exactly the same as GC but the part of GW makes HW an fun and verry confusing for the enemy strat to play with. I don't know how predictable your playstyle is. But a strat can't be predictable lol, its the player who plays it.
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