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Objave: 4   Posjećeno od: 41 users
31.05.2013 - 09:52
 Eagle (Moderator)
I am getting really annoyed, as most of the players do, when people late join, usually near me. People by late joining get more reinforcements and there is a big chance that they will kill, because most of the players don't have a stack of 50 units near their cap.

So i suggest that, since we cant stop it, that the maximum latejoining week for quick games is week 3 or 5, while for casual games week 10.
31.05.2013 - 22:21
There isn't a problem with latejoining. If you are at a point where someone can kill you, why haven't you taken that country?
Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and a prominent nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny.
01.06.2013 - 03:05
Račun izbrisan
Eagle Observes, you could do what Unleashed said or if you've joined a game with a higher latejoining turn, than try to take most countries that are closest to you as soon as possible. That reduces the risk of you being latejoined on. These 3 posts offer you the best advice on late joining, I'm afraid. Nothing will prevent people latejoining, unless you put the latejoining turn at 0 (or a closer figure).

The most common reason for latejoining is to get back at someone or for random trolling. However, and I have seen this new "reason" starting to increase of late, players, especially in the morning (GMT), get bored due to the lack of games. They see a game which has a higher latejoining week and join it because there is really nothing else to do. If they open up a game, there's little chance of actually playing it so who can blame them?
01.06.2013 - 05:32
You can enable late joining from turn 0 to 99 in the game settings.
Whatever might be your personal preference.

Nothing else to discuss here.

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