24.09.2014 - 11:30
I want to ask you how much does the game cost , cuz aw is a great idea , a great game yet we all admit that it lost amok intrest and he really stoped updating he even stoped logging in that much "once every week" so we will reach the point when amok actually want to sell / or close the game , how much does it worth?? 10k $? Less?? More?? Plz tell me
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24.09.2014 - 11:36
I doubt the game would be sold. Plus, Amok exchanged a couple pms with me this week, so I seriously doubt he has "lost interest" as you suggest. He simply is busy with other things in his life and recoding the game from scratch into HTML5. Also, you have to remember that the game is owned by Amok and Ivan both. Speaking of which, both have been online within the past 6 hours and multiple times this week alone.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
24.09.2014 - 11:46
Do the math.. Let's lowball premium and say everyone bought it for 20 bucks. Find every player with lifetime add it up. Me and Safari did something like this and came up to 5k but that's without subscriptions and just protocoin purchases for other stuff.
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24.09.2014 - 12:03
That is a horrible way to calculate the value of the game though. If anyone was going to invest any sum of money that large into AW, they would consider the possibilities of selling things like advertising space and expanding the game. This would dramatically increase the value of the game. Also, Amok and Ivan will also want to be compensated for the opportunity costs they incurred while working on the game, and I am sure that someone purchasing the game would be willing to pay a small portion of these costs if they thought they could grow the game and expand revenue streams. And why would they purchase the game if they did not think that was a viable possibility? Therefore, Amok and Ivan have a lot more to bargain with than just premium sells.
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
24.09.2014 - 12:21
No price can be put on AtWar... it is the best online browser game. But let's start the bidding, just for the sake of finding out what it's worth for amok and ivan I offer : ![]()
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24.09.2014 - 12:42
Omfg really?? That's a number that would make amok sell his brother for + the game xD
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24.09.2014 - 12:51
AtWar is a dream .... I dont think it have price. but looking in a realist way then I'd say 5 millons ![]()
24.09.2014 - 13:11
I understand. It has to be worthwhile.
---- It's not the end. ![]()
24.09.2014 - 13:39
You guys dont understand how this work , even if you adore and tottaly love the game , bussines is bussines and "as MoU and safari caulc" 5k is the total preim cost " the amount of $ that game made till now" take out from that total sliverlight + wepsite hosting cost so it would be like idk maybe 3500 only in like 4 years out of beta that is absloutly worthless in gaming indrustry , so a total price of 10K $ is a more than great offer for amok and ivan , for now Amok can really make this game a hit by sharing it on steam, adding more people to program with him , AW as a game itself is a really hit in browser gaming but the lack of updates + sharing didnt help at all... If someone want to actually buy it i support him to offer 10k and to hire proffesional game programmers and really make it the real hit in gaming industry as it is really desarve it !!
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24.09.2014 - 13:44
If this game have Al's. (computers) than it could be used like strategy offline game.It would be great for sales.So you could randomly play what you want,with CPU settings,change how much CPU will be strong,etc.
24.09.2014 - 14:21
---- "evoL is that place you go to to find yourself and then ditch when you're pro and want to hang out with the other players we made" - Sasori
24.09.2014 - 14:28
Honestly about 50k-200k. All you severely undervalue it urlgate says this site makes $108 a day and that was 8 months ago and has 8,615 unique daily visitors. It really depends on the growth rate though.
24.09.2014 - 14:39
If you type in the Afterwind address rather than the at-war address, you get a worth between 7-8k. So let's just say an even 80k. ![]()
---- "In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards." ~Goblin "In this game, everyone is hated." ~Xenosapien
24.09.2014 - 18:15
As a general rule in business you take the potential profit for the next 5 years and add 12%. to figure out what the potential profit would be, you'd look at the past 2 years + assets - operating costs divide by 2, X 5. That's a starting point, from there it would be what kind of financial situation the owners are in and how much time they've put into it. Also their attachment to the business would come into play. I think you are realistically looking at a starting bid of 350K-550K. Just my opinion and experience.
24.09.2014 - 18:19
sorry u are wrong amok all ready said it ![]()
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24.09.2014 - 22:28
Nope aw best cost is 25k
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24.09.2014 - 22:44
According to US News (http://money.usnews.com/careers/best-jobs/computer-programmer/salary, programmers make on average 74k a year. Lets be conservative and lets say their expectation was 48K a year. 2 guys spent 5 years in developing this stuff, which makes an investment of 48K x 2 x 5 = 480K as salary (only as salary, nothing else!). If we consider this an investment, then the return has definitely to be higher than that. Right?
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25.09.2014 - 00:48
all i learnt from this is that I need to become a programmer real soon.
25.09.2014 - 07:02
True. But, they probably were working "overtime" and dedicated some Saturdays and Sundays and at 4 AM they were fiddling around with the database, etc. True, 480K is "just" a proxy that, again, only includes the value if the professional work invested in this project. Remember that the average salary (according to US News) is 74K a year and I'm using 48K. Just saying.... this project is worth a lot! Both, for potential investors and for us!
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25.09.2014 - 09:28
But when you buy afterwind , why would u care how much money ivan and amok invested? All you should care is about how much time is gonna take for it to return your investment and be profitable Where does ivan and amok live? Finland? The average yearly income in Finland is like $27,000 if amok doesn't quit his job to work full-time in afterwind is because it gives him much less than that. if atwar at its prime gives around 10k a year, why would somebody pay up to 400k, lol
25.09.2014 - 10:10
that estimation from that website is pretty low, if you think of the game size. If you would need to write that game new from scratch you would have to pay way more for the salary expenses
25.09.2014 - 10:37
I just posted it for fun ...its in no way reliable. For example ...just now it estimated AW to be 33k worth. Then various other sites estimate it differently by taking into an account various different calculations, or not taking them at all into the equation ...one sites says AW daily revenue is 4$ while other claims around 60$ etc. etc.
26.09.2014 - 05:58
It looks reliable... look at that shiny gold seal.
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26.09.2014 - 11:50
I think there is some miscalculations. If you look at the number of players lets assume =100k ( I know there are more than that). If you also assume 5$ per player the total valuation becomes 500k. So 1 million valuations isn't far off. But serious this isn't one of most famous games on the internet , very few actually know about. In India hardly anyone knows this game and I met less than 10 people from India here. Other than that game valuation is based on how people look at this game for potential development. One thing I would hate if the game got sold, is that premium would be forever based on per month basis and you would have to spend more money.
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