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21.06.2024 - 14:02
I won't waste hours formating the text so please refer to the following Google Doc link for a more pleasant reading experience : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c9Q6mq2Fdo6UXR8XjczsTC5x-nsR0U1RWa8Iim1MiP0/edit

GoT : Seven Kingdoms


Aegon Targaryen has conquered much of Westeros, but for how long ?
This scenario starts right after the Conquest and covers the Seven Kingdoms' history until the end of the Dance of Dragons.

General rules:

The usual:

No wall-fucking, no trespassing T1 (except for the Lands of Always Winter, on which the Wall can trespass as long as it stays away from the White Walker cities)

No leaving before t15

No unconsented ally-capping.

Disable the strategy Covert Operation. It breaks the balance with several units.

Don't sail inside mountains or land that is clearly not sea.

Don't use land units to make walls on the sea. Not even triangle walls around coastal cities will be tolerated.

Diplomacy rules:
Ally-end nullifies every rule.

Kingship rules :
The King is whoever holds the Iron Throne/King's Landing capital. House Targaryen starts as the King, and can never give up their claim.
House Velaryon, Royce, Arryn, Tully, Bracken, Reyne, Lannister, Tyrell, Hightower, Peake and Baratheon start as vassals to the King. Vassals are players who are not Independant, not pushing/supporting another claim, and not supporting Rebels.
The King cannot attack a vassal without a reason. He can only attack treasonous vassals.
Reasons for the King to attack a vassal include : self-defense, peacing/allying Rebels, peacing/allying another claimant, attacking another vassal without warning/asking the King.

Rebels' rules :
The King can never peace the Rebels, and the Rebels must do everything in their power to overthrow whoever holds the Iron Throne (i.e. whoever controls King's Landing and intends to keep it). The Rebels can support another claimant to the Throne, but if this claimant manages to overthrow the Targaryen King, then he must turn on him.
Anyone peacing the Rebels faction becomes a rebel himself, and thus CANNOT have peace with the King. This does not apply to an Independant faction : a "loyal" vassal of the Iron Throne can peace an Independant faction without consequence. A loyal vassal can also have peace or even alliance with a player who has peaced the Rebels (or else the spill-overs would be unmanageable).
The Rebels player can become King. Obviously, in that case the Rebels rules no longer apply.

Independant factions rules :
The King cannot peace any Independant faction (and should actively try to make them bend the knee, either by attacking them directly or ordering loyal vassals to do it).
Any player can declare Independance through the Diplomacy minigame.
House Greyjoy starts as Independant but can bend the knee right when the game starts.
House Martell and House Yronwood start as Independants, and CANNOT bend the knee until turn 15, unless they are utterly defeated and have no choice to survive.

Claimants rules :
Players can declare themselves as claimants to the Iron Throne in the Diplomacy minigame.
The King must fight any other claimant to the Throne.
Peacing or allying a claimant to the Throne can be considered Treason.
Claimants can give up their claim at any moment, but the King can still consider them traitors regardless and keep attacking them. Ex-claimants only stop being traitors once the King accepts to peace them.

Dragons related rules :
If House Velaryon has more dragons than the King past turn 25, House Velaryon MUST start the Dance of Dragons and try to seize the Throne.
If any House ends up being the last faction to have one or more dragon, they MUST try to seize the Throne until the dragons are all dead.

Faction-specific rules : Baratheon/Yronwood
House Baratheon and House Yronwood must fight until turn 15.

Dragons List
Age 1 Dragons :
Balerion [Age 1], t2 in King's Landing (Targaryen, player-specific)
Vhagar [Age 1], t2 in King's Landing (Targaryen, player-specific)
Meraxes, t2 in Dorne (Targaryen, player-specific)

Age 2 Dragons :
Out of commission
Balerion [Age 1]
Vhagar [Age 1]
Dragons which remain relevant, if still alive at this point :
New dragons :
Balerion [Age 2], t8 in Dragonstone (Rebels, player-specific). Note that Balerion2 will lose against any dragon spawning on turn 13 or later : he is too old for this shit.
Quicksilver, t11 on God's Eye island (Targaryen, player-specific)
Vermithor, t13 near Storm's End (Targaryen, player-specific)
Dreamfyre, t13 near Storm's End (Targaryen, player-specific)
Silverwing, t13 near Storm's End (Targaryen, player-specific)

Age 3 Dragons :
Out of commission
Balerion [Age 2]
Dragons which remain relevant, if still alive at this point :
New dragons :
Meleys, t18 near Driftmark (Velaryon, player-specific)
Caraxes, t21 near the Stepstones (Velaryon, player-specific)
Seasmoke, t21 near the Stepstones (Velaryon, player-specific)
Sheepstealer, t25 near Driftmark (Velaryon, player-specific)
Moondancer, t25 in Driftmark (City-specific)
Syrax, t25 in Dragonstone (City-specific)
Vermax, t25 in Dragonstone (City-specific)
Arrax, t25 in Dragonstone (City-specific)
[Age 3] Vhagar, t25 in King's Landing (City-specific)
Sunfyre, t25 in King's Landing (City-specific)
Tessarion, t25 near Oldtown (Hightower, player-specific)
All rules from my scenarios can be found here : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wKJgMnWWJx1jV7SdFGat692b3SBLv4XLLZw84l4v_wA/edit?tab=t.0

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