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18.01.2014 - 16:02


Welcome to the Warhammer Galaxy. Where only the strong and informed survive! There is no peace in this world... There is only WAR!
The year is 41000AD and mankind is a galactic empire known as the Imperium of Man, led by a psychically powerful and ancient ruler known only as the Emperor of Mankind. The humans believe they are a destined race, destined to bring order to the galaxy, destined to destroy chaos, destined to stand above all other races. But ever since the Emperor was wounded during the Horus Heracy, the Imperium has become nothing more than a corrupted bureaucracy with a superiority complex that stretches the vastness of time and space.
The Adeptus Astartes are a fierce and immortal warrior race, created by the Emperor from the genes of his Primarchs ( Genetically engineered holy crusaders) before the great crusade of the Imperium. The Astartes live for war. They know no fear and will face the deadliest of odds and come out triumphant. The space marines are now a scattered force of killing machines, with no goal aside from destroying all xenos and enemies to the Imperium. Only a few brave Legion chapters still fight the good fight against chaos, although chaos seems to be winning the war at every turn.
The Tyranid threat (hive mind) are ever menacing and encroaching on all the worlds of biological life. Imperial records show, that within days an entire star system can be infested with Tyranid invasions, then weeks later that same star system is found hollowed of all life-forms. The Tyranid seem to have no objectives beyond the complete eradication of all life in the cosmos.
The ancient and once all-powerful empire of the Eldar is nothing more than a remnant of its old might, stretched thin throught the galaxy. Although their technology is still far superior to the Imperiums, their numbers are but a fraction. The Eldar see themselves as the only race that matters, and will gladly sacrifice millions of barbaric Human lives to save one Eldar life. This race, especially the ones of a darker sort, have perfected the travelling of the demonic immaterium known as the Warp.
The Orkz stand, as the Eldar do, as one of the oldest races in the known galaxy. Created by the Old Ones to be a resiliently ferocious breed, the Orkz travel the stars, seeking out sentient planets to make their playgrounds of war. Their technology, although not as powerful as most advanced races, is cheap and able to be made on the spot out of any junk metal lying around. This race seeks to war every race, including their own, but have been known to occasionally ally the weaker races to fight the stronger ones, as this is a challenge for them.
Another, more ancient and cold, threat exists on the fringes of space. An ancient evil race, bent on the eradication of all sentient life. They were once like other biological and sentient life-forms, but are now cold calculating machines made of an unknown metallic element. The humanoid machines are scattered throught the galaxy on what the Imperium calls Tomb Worlds, just waiting to be awakened so they can once again stampede the galaxy under their harder-than-iron feet.
The oldest of evils lurks behind every corner, behind every thought and action. This evil is created by the ancient sins of all sentient life. They are the cause behind every war, behind every slaughter of innocence. The carnage of the bloody wasteland that is Warhammer, breaths life into the Chaos Gods, making them stronger in the materium and allowing them access into our realm. One such god made entry into the materium 10,000 years ago, destroying almost the entire Eldar race. The Dark Eldar still serve this god, as do most sentient beings, even if un-knowingly. For this god is the god of pleasure and satisfaction, known by lesser races as Slannesh. No one knows what chaos ultimately wants, but one thing is for sure, they enjoy the constant state of chaos that grips the greater races.
But their is another race! A younger race! A race that brings hope and light to the hopeless and dark galaxy. This race has evolved its self, what it took humanity 20,000 years to do. From stone tools to traveling the warp in just 6000 years. They have only one goal, one mission, The Greater Good. This advanced race is known as the Tau. They are a peaceful, but proficient race. Their combat tactics are unmatched, even by the space marines. They work as a harmonious unit, fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses. They live in a 5 caste society, each caste playing a pivotal role in both their culture and their warfare. They have been known on many occasions to assimilate a human or xeno planet into their empire without a drop of blood being shed.


1) Allowable allies-
*Orkz (Gorkamorka and Octarius)
*Eldars and Dark Eldars
*Imperium of Man (Adeptus Astartes and the Emperor)
*Tau (everyone except the Hive, Chaos, and Necrons)
*Necrons and Hive Mind
*Chaos may have peace with everyone, but ally no one

2) Allowable peace
*Humans- Orkz, Eldars, Tau, and Chaos
*Orkz- Humans, Eldars, Tau, and Chaos
*Tau- same as above (everyone except Hive Mind, Chaos, and Necrons)
*Eldars- Humans, Orkz, Tau, and Chaos
*Chaos - everyone
*Necrons- Chaos and Hive Mind
*Hive Mind- Chaos and Necrons

3) Reasons for ban from map-
*If you WF (wall fuck) first turn.
*If you quit the game in the first 4 turns.
*If you break the ally rule twice.
*If you excessively annoy me

Any questions pertaining to race technologies feel free to ask me or one of the other more experienced Warhammer initiated.

Any critiques on the map, units, or scenario plz send me a pr with your advice or tips. All I ask is that you don't disrupt the game by bitching or quitting.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion I gain strength. Through strength I gain power. Through power I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. Only the dark side can free me.
18.01.2014 - 20:00
Nice thread and thanks for the background information! Oh, and could you include an image of the scenario? I know I just asked you this in-game. *thread bump*
18.01.2014 - 21:26
Great job on the scenario.Hope to see many more Warhammer scenarios.

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