27.01.2015 - 04:46
The topic of discussion: Clans that are not clanwarring due to various reason. Talk about solutions to fix. No flame wars. No examples. The previous topic went off topic and evolved into a flame war and was subsequently deleted.
27.01.2015 - 06:07
One proposition I liked was limiting the amount of cp won per cw to 75, instead of 100. It's the easiest solution right now.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
27.01.2015 - 07:23
I support Invi's suggestion of +75 CP max. I also think the clan's rating should be evaluated in a combination of three system: 1) Win/loss ratio, 2) CP and 3) competence. The Cp get evaluated normal and goes in the formula like it is being done now. The Win/loss ratio.... I suggest it to work in this way: A clan with 15:15 score lose no CP, a clan with 20:10 win an extra amount of CP (maybe a multiplier? 1.5x) and a clan with 10:20 lose CP (Maybe a multiplier? 0.5x). And the competence.... should have a minimal impact in this formula, maybe it acts like a multiplier depending of the number of competence... let's say, when a clan have [I1I] competence, they get a multiplier of 1x. [I2I] gives a multiplier of 1.1x , and so on. It can be fixed depending. Negative competence give a decimal multiplier. Both suggestion would indeed, make it harder for clans to research first place, but I believe clans with high comp and high score + high win/loss ratio would still stop cw'ing when they archive that. Maybe we can add up a decimal multiplier when a clan have ~3 days without cw? 0.9x ~6 days 0.8x? Even if this get implemented, clans at the end of the season would still stop cw'ing. But I guess it is normal.... Note: the [I I] mean rounded to minimal "Z=Entero" type of number... for example 1.3 = 1, 1.9 = 1 and 2.344444 = 2 and so on, idk how to say it in english but this is a common math number so you guys will probably get it.
27.01.2015 - 10:53
31.01.2015 - 03:15
Resetting the cp to 1 for all clans at the begining of the season. The clan with the highest cp at the end of the season win.
---- You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect. Miyamoto Musashi
31.01.2015 - 04:11
Please dont reset competence, nooooooo.. ![]() If you are looking at competence just as a.. number.. then yeah, reset that. But i think that some clans are using competence to test their limit, to see how far they can reach. Also, the problem would stay the same. Most likely at the beggining of the season, 1 or 2 clans would step up above others, they will build wins, points, competence. And eventualy they will lose good position because they will win 50 points for every win, while the clans playing vs them will get 70-100.
31.01.2015 - 04:35
That's why I say the clan with the highest cp win and not the clan with the most points earned during the last 30 game. Plus If we reset the competence MK might be able to win the season.
---- You win battles by knowing the enemy's timing, and using a timing which the enemy does not expect. Miyamoto Musashi
31.01.2015 - 04:53
Sorry, at the first post for some reason my brain just didnt paid attention to your second sentence. I am idiot. Good idea btw. ![]()
31.01.2015 - 05:03
Agree with sator we can keep the current competence how it is so that it gives an overview on clns overall not just for the season Having a separate competence number for each clan to be used for the season starting at 1 it stops clans being limited to amount of clan wars each season and still gives less active clans a chance, sure you lose more if you lose to a clan with less comp but you'll never lose anything and will always gain though when you win nothing worse then winning and going down in rank cause of it XD clans who don't cw close to the end of the season therefore have a chance of losing their position
---- The best players are those who think outside the box and aren't afraid to try something new
31.01.2015 - 05:40
I've been writing up a thread in the ideas section about basically this system. Been writing it for a few days but my motivation keeps running out whenever I start writing a line. Most of my rambling is justification of the idea, albeit a very simple system. Still have to prove without a doubt it's the best out of all the suggestions. The bare bones thread is mostly written, just arranging it in a better way and cutting it down. Separate seasonal competence from overall competence and getting rid of the other barriers. Recalculation of overall competence back through all CW records etc. I planned to have pretty pictures and reference links like my Clan War System 2013(click) thread, but again, I just need my motivation to do it.
31.01.2015 - 06:16
---- ![]()
31.01.2015 - 08:57
go Desu go!!
---- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
31.01.2015 - 11:47
That image link.
Here you two go. I made it pretty and threw it up. http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=17862
06.02.2015 - 09:25
I say we work out a system in which inactive clans will lose a certain amount of points after being inactive for a certain period. for example top 5 clans in the season need to cw constantly and if they are inactive for 3 days at a time they lose -50 this way clan can still be tactical and gain enough point to afford to miss a few clan wars
---- There is three ways to do things, good, bad, and the way i do it
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