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14.08.2015 - 23:12

A simple contest to liven things up. Since we have so many amazing story tellers I decided to hold an AW story contest. The rules are simple your story must be published in this thread and MUST be about your AW experience.

If you have a feud with a player this is not the place to call them out or write about them!

All participants get this awesome trophy:


Contest is over. Lots of great stories leading to 43 players having the sexy trophy.
14.08.2015 - 23:45
It all started during my Sophomore year of high school. A friend in my computer class suggested this game as something fun to play and since it wasn't blocked by our system, we all gave it a shot. Everyday me, him, and two others would log on and we would play a Europe game with 1 or 2 random players. We'd play legit until the last 10 minutes of class. Then we would allyfag and crush the remaining player(s). It was hilarious to watch them rage.

Summer starts and at war is banned when we get back to school. They stopped playing but I continued on. I played blitz RC in Europe+ and would always ally Turkey and we'd rape. That went on for about a year. The following summer I played UN for a few months. I'd be south America, joedtaxi would be Canada, and we'd rape and win.

Then I met the legend Primal. He took me under his wing and I joined in a clan with another legend LDK as well as funtime. I played one CW which was a 2v2. I got raped by Ukraine when I played turkey. Primal who had just defeated his opponent, was low on troops, rebounded and raped Ukraine who had the entire east all to himself. It was then that I decided to become a great player.

I would sit and watch 3v3s. I'd ask for advice on what strats to play. I'd always get capped but focused on one day being good enough to cap somebody in a 3v3. At this point Primal started college and became inactive. I went to evoL with joedtaxi. MoU/Me/joe/Lord pontez/nero/paolo had a good time cwing together. This was when I got a lot better. But then some bad mouthing from clanmates made me leave because I thought they didn't respect their opponents. This issue was later resolved.

I left evoL in anger and was taken in by b0nk and Desu. Through them I met some of the greater legends like Fruit and cow. I learned an enormous amount through them.

On Monday, I start my first year of college. It has been a long ride that doesn't seem to be stopping. I have met many awesome people and a lot of fags, but I do love this community and this game. Hopefully you all stay active too.

14.08.2015 - 23:55
Napisano od Fockmeeard, 14.08.2015 at 23:45

Good read, got me thinking of the old Vitality days with you/LDK/Primal and a few other notable members of the coalition. All separated that is now (Choose our ways huh?) The time went really good. I remember my stay there as enjoyable and along with laid back conversations. Regardless, had a good time with everyone who was there.
Believe you can and you're halfway there
15.08.2015 - 01:55
It was a rainy boring day on March 14, 2014.
I wanted to find some risk online game and typed in google 'Risk online'.
It opened some complicated trial bullshit with some boring 5 hour registration where they asked so fucking many questions that I shocked how they didnt ask me for my shoes number... I searched more and more and suddenly it threw out a fucking addictive game called 'atWar'.
First thing that made me play it was simple registration and the best thing - NO E MAIL APPROVAL.
I said to myself: 'Okay Croat, this is what you were searching for!'
It was the most stupid sentence in my life cuz I fucked many the things in real life bc of this game.

So, I was a narb but I felt like a pro when I learnt to make walls (they had at least 4 units cuz I was too narb for 3 unit wall).
I was called ProPatria.
Later I noticed that there are clans in this game who are doing clanwars. I was about rank 6.
Soldier was my buddy since then. I remember out secret allies and etc. bullshit in europe/world games.
I joined evoL.
I didnt know a shit about clans, clan reputations and anything. I felt like I joined in paradise, not in fucking clan in virtual game. Mr_Own_U (I need to mention this, even he is bad person) teached me basics of competitive playing. Later I was getting the things alone. evoL wasnt affraid to use me in clanwars with rank 7 who still didnt have premium. I remember that I capped Khal in that cw. I was like 'Cant touch this, bitches'....
Me, Gonzo, W4r, Soldier, Critical, Hell, Paolo were really good team.
Later I was offcer in evoL, more serious but still I wanted more and newer things.
I left it and joined KILLA INSTINCT with Ferlucci who promissed me a leadership and clanwars everytime. I accepted. We tried with KI, later we have risen Cosa Nostra, clan that had one of the best seasons ever on atwar and suddenly fallen down.
I will never forget a those clan wars, omg, we knew to play 5 cws per night.... Really crazy time and whole season.

Now I made my own clan with some good friends. There are alot stories but I wont go further now. It is too late here in Croatia and Croatian princess needs some dreaming expectig a prince who will wake me up with a French kiss and who will bring the laptop with opened atwar in by bed rather than nice breakfast.

15.08.2015 - 02:31
Račun izbrisan
It was a regular day after training, i was searching for some good online game of thrones game, and in georgian forum i saw post about this game where you could play got lotr and etc. and this is when my life got fucked up, when i registered there were no got maps on beginner room, but there were 3 in main lobby, so i quickly played several games in 4 hours and got to r3, after joining game of thrones scenario host kicked me -.-,next day i saw r11 guy (brianwl) hosted regular got map, and he didn't kick me ^_^ so it was fun game, than i noticed crimson tide vs evol cw, waffel started to troll me after i said hi was not nice of him trollign poor r4 and yes he was r9 xD, commando eagle was r8 back than xD and was crying for tie :D some things never change, some guy was asking for duel in global his name was epic win, so we played uk vs germany i was uk ra and he was germany pd well he let me to cap him twice so he would get attention from waffel *omg clovis u noob got capped by r5* but quickly found out clovis was messing with me so i surrendered and told him that i would have revenge later, which i got by farming him 22 times but that is little off topic xD, i decided to join evol becuz after talking to paolo he told me that they would accept me,when i joined there there was some really weird r6 guy called propatria asking for backup in world games, and that's how world games farming began ;_;, in july 2014 UWS merged with evol, and really strange mod cthulhu and some weirdo arab el creyente joined us,i later left evol and joined spectre to help helly out, stayed there for several weeks and than joined shadow aces in september 2014, the clan was almost dead by than only me el and sun were there and sun left us too to become mafiozo, and only me el and cthulhu in cln chat trolling each other Cthulhu couldn't cw cuz of no mouse so just talking to swedes while saying hi sometimes, we had 2v2 CW alt back than and crawled our way up to 1st place, but than some cln-s took 1st and 2nd place so we ended season being 3rd top cln of aw, and me becoming leader xD, and after few months only few things changed, clan hoppers joined and left, cthulhu still doesn't have mouse, el is still weirdo arab.

well that was my little story for 1 year aw experience.
15.08.2015 - 04:06
It was a boring day at summer when my brother started telling me about this new game he found called at war.I was watching him playing and i didn't like the game.Until he started "begging" me to start playing too and see how it would go on,so I accepted and we started playing europe etc and learnt me a lot of stuff,important stuff.The way that i beat so many players and won so many games made me feel like OP so i started to get into it.

After playing a long time in the beginners room i ranked up to 5.That was the end of beginners for me.I started playing with a lot of players and when i did i always asked for some advise or what i did wrong etc.I got better by advises from:clovis,eagle,don,steve aoki,anti Europe,el creyente and many others but the best exercise was playing against big ranks.I also found intresting world games because there was so much competitive players there.At the same time i was reading for school and stuff going to football practice etc.

Anyway when i was 6 or 7 I met this guy,virus,we played a lot of games together and at some point we lost touch.Next time i saw him he was with his clan mate and friend Tectonic,he saw that i was a pretty good player so he invited me to his clan,Byrnetheworld (btw).After a few months i bought premium and got general and other premium good so i started dueling ppl.That was the period where i met so many players and got a bit famous(lol).We played some cws.My first was against cosa nostra and we won it,i was very stressed and nervous.It was me,anti europe gr and tectonic against opi,croat and the third Michael-carleone.Anyway opi was UK and he rushed Denmark against anti who was Germany.Somehow he predicted opi was going to rush Denmark so he rushed it too and won the battle,croat who was Ukraine yelled at him and started insulting him lol.I was Spain and rushed ireland with nc.That helped me kill opi really fast and then by holding my cap and opi's cap opi died and then i killed France too.Tectonic was still fighting croat,when croat saw france was dead he left and we won.We got really happy lol.I felt so good.I was rank 8 and with no premium.Since then i have played several cws most of them went good even if i lost.Most fun coalition ever.

I forgot to tell that before i join btw i was in this really old orthodox clan "orthodox Istanbul" if i remember correctly.Anyway i left cause i didnt cw even once,everyone were inactive for like 300 years and forums never existed lol.

Well thats my story thanks all for reading it i hope you like it,see you around .
Also congratz meester for this amazing idea.
15.08.2015 - 04:15
I'll take you back through my transition between clans and being in SM's highs and lows.

The Story:

So I was a r5 with big potential in evoL where I was being mentored by the likes of MOU, LDK, and Joedtaxi. It was a good time for progression and I even joined a few CWs. Then we thought evoL was going inactive and the clan was dying (which it seemed has happened many times and they managed to pull themselves back up time after time, props) so I and a few others were in search for a clan. Me and Fock were discussing on where to go and at the time the choice was between VS and SM. (something no one knows, I was actually leaning towards joining VS, and almost did) Fock joined SM obviously seeing something special in them and I thank God that he did. So I thought it would be better to join a clan with someone I already know. The introduction to SM was very professional, and I was surprised by the setup they had. You know, the hierarchy of members and trolling between them (officer/leader is often overrun by influence which is what happens now too), amazing guides, and IRC. I was getting comfortable in the clan and finding my true place. SM were at their peak (I joined late 2013, they reached their peak a before that too) and we were the undisputed best clan in AW. Next season came (or the one after, not sure) with three main competitors for that prestigious #1 spot. MK and Syndicate were fighting with us and each other to reign superior in CWs. This was one of my favorite times in AW because Syndi were stacked. Not just stacked but the most stacked I've ever seen. They literally had almost every good high rank not in SM, MK, or VS. While SM's roster didn't change Syndi were just gathering skilled players. All the way from Tophats to little youngnoob Waffel you name them. SM could still match though because our team is also stacked and very skilled. So we were CW'ing mainly Syndicate and a lot of epic games and fueds were taking place.

To be continued I need to go to the dentist.

Every CW was a highlight and every member gave their absolute best to ensure victory. Every win was a great feat followed by great celebration and every loss was devastation. Activity was at best and we were a tight group. Syndicate broke apart into Perfectus Letum and Illyria while some loyal members stayed in the original clan. MK was getting better and better (more like our activity was getting worse and worse ), and competition for the clan leaderboards was still heated. This is when the first decline I was in began though. People became less active most prominently Engenuity, Leaf, and V-dog115. Months later and you see Desu, Dbacks, Soul, Vrome, BertanK, and at time b0nker2 disappear into the mists of inactivity. And that my friends is how SM threw itself from the throne of #1 clan to a mid-position clan on the leaderboard. What can I say, I went inactive and don't know much of the history after. Activity was at an all time low, and other people joined and some turned out to be valuable members and others just CW'd at any chance they could not caring about the clan. We slowly lost our way to LAST place. That's gonna change though.

The Rise: a look into the future.

To be Continued yet again.

Um where was I... Oh yeah the rise. New leadership, boosted activity (10 at a time a lot of the time), and new rules and motivation. We've vowed to come back stronger than ever and give AW a season they won't forget. Everyone is coming more active, and we will all give it our best to conquer AW clans. See you in first place.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

15.08.2015 - 04:43
It all began in late 2011, i was browsing on fb and my eyes fell on a free online strategy game, Afterwind.
I fell in love quite fast, since i always loved games wich could teach you things. And this game tought me the country's with their capitals world wide! Amazing isn't it.

1)The creation
In my first days i was just dupiedupieng in the main room since their wasn't a diff between rooms back than. their i met some guys who stole my heart: LDK, Shaibb, and others.
I got invited in '''War Time Heroes''' the guys in it were simply amazing trusting me as narb to play some cw's and LDK giving me emotional support while alex meza tought me IMP France.
I really really loved the game in that area (bought all the game subs seperately couse fuck yeah golden age back than), i had rage fights with Fruit and some other scummy's couse they coudn't stop anoying the newcommers in this game and yet it was all perfect in balance. (honorable mention to Pinhero, altough he forgot it was he who told me : (I can see that you improved a lot. Now, don't get overyourself and be humble that is the key that will make you one of the greatest players.) But all great story's come to an end and War time heroes died, so i joined Biteme2, that died damn fast 2 and i got offered to join the main clan (Hugosh i still love you+ coolest female player ever Xevah), as almost everyone got. I refused this and just focused on playing world games with ''learster'' and ''electro musti''( Yes! this is mauzer panteri!!)

2)The downfall
So i was clanless for a while and things began to change the atmosphere became less friendly and i got tired of to much drama that was going on, my Lord Dark Knight left the game and my heart broke, leaving me with the only option i had that time. leaving atwar for like a year. (an extra push for this was SFM, i once got conviced by him to join he's clan and well...)

3)The revival
After a Giant time-gap i returned to atwar and i played scenario's with Morgan the brit, big love for you bea. But something in me missed the competitive scene so i started to play World games again. That didn't work out so good since it seemed that world games were kinda dead, scenario based maps took over the spotlights. Then it happend some magicaly senpai noticed me... Devil. He told me that i was fighting in the shadows of my own capacity, he inspired me to play Eu+ games again, he looked so much like LDK i gues that's why i fell in love so fast. I joined UWS and met Cthulhu i pretended i didn't knew him but i damn knew this bitchy good!! (he never wanted to allie end in world games) But once again i fell in love with this silent but gold hearted guy and us 3 became close quite fast. in UWS i met domestikos and The Militia and other cool guys

4)Conquering the competitive game play.
I encouraged a merge With evol, couse i knew UWS had a lot of people who could use more training and evol was the most active clan back then. Their i met IT.. it was so little and cute, yet so noisy and irritating. Its name was Soldier001, everytime i beat him in a duel he raged and demanded rematch. I fell in love with him 2 (blush face), also people as propatria (croat) Mr_Own_u, Gonzo etc were good persons, they all pushed me to become stonger couse i felt that it was my duty to lead the cw teams to victory. After the evol time Devil created shadow aces. i took a break after some events and joined Hdrakons clan beforing going back to my home of aces. i had some sex with funtime, Hdrakon, gk (gk i love you) and other players. But i left as agreed on and joined back the Aces clan. We made some mistakes like inviting non loyal players like ******* etc but due my gameplay i got premoted to Leader and that marked the start of a Shadow aces take over in the competitive gameplay as we know it today.

Honorable player mentions for everyone who crossed my path and made me who i am today: Devil, Cthulhu, LDK, alex meza, hugosh, pinhero, FSM, Shaibb, EAB, Fruit, Hdrakon, Morgant he brit, Soldier001, Sun tsu,
15.08.2015 - 04:43
Napisano od The Tactician, 15.08.2015 at 04:15

To be continued I need to go to the dentist.

15.08.2015 - 05:00
The beginning

Of mice and chill-

I have to admit that my first reaction was one of impatience, being overwhelmed by the game.

As I set foot in a unknown environment known as AtWar, on the 11th of May 2013 a legend was born. It started how any good story would start. It started rough, countless UN's, 50k's and Gang banging. But there was a desire in me, A desire to be the best. I was introduced to a young Irishman who went by the name of ''Joedtaxi'', we would later go on to be good friends and be in many clans together. He would later on get me into clans such as evoL and Illyria, a nice guy but a bit of a prick.

We both were taught by someone who went by the name of ''Storm.'', After I practised all the expansions I was shown and by now was rank 4 I hit the main lobby. Amazed by all the high ranks I had never seen before, I started duelling. A rank 5 player joined by the name of ''my sun and stars'', I was beaten swiftly and later he asked me if I would be interested in joining his clan. Disappointed in being destroyed by a player only one rank above me, My confidence was at an all time low and was doubting if this game was for me.

later on I found out that the rank 5 I played against was in fact Khal.eesi's secondary account, A very popular player and was leading the #1 clan at the time ''187''. I jumped at the chance to a member of the #1 clan and followed all the expansions/Guides on the forums and talked to my fellow clan members such as Innate, Richtofen and Thunder-balls. I was rather settled into the clan by now and enjoying learning the game.

On a normal day as I was minding my own business I was abruptly PR'd by Thunderballs, ''Hey chill, you up for a CW?'' I hesitated and replied ''Am I ready?''. He later convinced me I was ready and I joined a CW with very low hopes, My first game was against evoL as a rank 4, It was to be a 2v2. As the clans discussed who was going to play, the final line up was going to be MOU and Guerilla VS Me and Thunder-balls. The game slowly ticked down to the start.

I was nervous and as the game started people in the game were questioning if I was a Alt, I must say it is strange for a rank 4 to be CW'ing against a top clan. Suddenly a mod appeared and confirmed that I indeed was not an Alt, Then the CW started And I did my standard Germany expansion versus a rather experienced UK rank 9 player If I may add. Unknowingly turn 2 abruptly began, MOU's (Ukraine)Greece rush was anticipated by Thunder-balls(Turkey) losing around 20 troops. A suddenly feeling of Relief that Thunder-balls had won the east I then began to just play defensive and try not to die.

The game had progressed by now and Guerilla could not kill the rank 4 and as I looked at the game chat I saw the spectators bickering amongst themselves, One of the people spectating I would come to know a great deal of, his name was ''Stryko'' A odd fellow If I may say so myself. Anyway back to the story. People were saying in chat ''can't even kill a rank 4'' ''this has to be a Alt''. I took it as a compliment that people thought I was an Alt, and happy to win my first CW I then began to practice and play even more.

To be Continued.
15.08.2015 - 05:31
It was just another day in the old afterwind , and old fashion casual 10K World map 20 players , the old Gods of AW where all in that game Fruit , learster , Caul , and Vril , , while i was rank 5 , learster picked UK , Fruit picked South Korea , caul and vril picked in north and south america , while the noob me picked in Egypt , using the God's streatgy Imperlist at that time , "when you could get free Milita troops" the first few turns was normal , i manged to kill syria and turkey and expanded , learster took half of west europe caul manged to kill all of north america , vril manged to take south america , while fruit was having a problem killing china , by the turn 10 i was having borders with india and started to fight learster , i somehow manged to hold on "he never attacked me hard " while fruit finally managed to kill china and started marching to india while caul and vril start fighting for america , the fight get harder and harder for me to hold learster , his marines appears out of no where taking my syria and lebnan and i end up dead by the turn 25 , fruit takes india and starts fighting learster and caul seems to have the upper hand against vril mangeing to reach boliva in south america , it is now turn 30 fights get harder for all none knows who can win , fruit manges to push learster back and takes iran while learster starts attacking fruit from mongolia and really have the better hand thier , AND out of no where tons of marines appears in USA learster start attacking the unprepared caul and menages to take east of USA and start pushing caul , caul starts to lose war in south america against vril , and starts to lose really really hard where as learster start losing vs fruit as he start to spam sentry planes and counter every marines attempts from learster , learster get pushed back on both fronts ending up losing iran and have to defend middle east , where as losing russia up to russia Ural , ya it wasnt a good times in the old world for learster , but he was wining against caul , caul power collapsed and by turn 35 he had lost america and quits saying gg to learster and vril , learster now have to fight the now growing power of vril who was already in USA texas , things get really hard for learster , fruit and vril start countering his mighty MoS marines and really get harder , fruit takes moscow and turkey where as vril takes USA south and USA midwest , things get harder and harder a by turn 55 give or take learster loses for the first time in his history , and now vril controlling south africa and the americans start fighting the strong fruit , fruit pushes harder and harder from all sides , he kicks vril from africa and 2 sides attack on north america kills vril their and by turn 79 vril loses and gg fruit ,
for seeing this kind of game was one hell of an experience for me i adored the mighty learster marines , and fruits sentries , caul determination to kill vril , vril determination to live another day and fruit determination to never ally anyone and kill all it was really the best game i ever watched !!!

15.08.2015 - 05:56
So here i was back in feb-march 11' ... i was searching for a decent online game with no graphics, never played risk or anything like this, i fell in love with the game straight away, back when it was called "afterwind".

The first few times i played normally consisted of me only choosing my home country which is the UK (ofcourse using tank general) obviously i didn't know how to use air/sea trans so this was very stressful when i was being laughed at when i couldn't reach the beaches of Normandy, how embarrassing right?!

The scouser...
About a month later i finally reached rank 6, yeah ally fagging and getting about 50sp a game, typical 50k world game shit...i saw someone needed a 3rd member for a coalition war, of-course all i knew was ally ally kill and backstab...this was my first and good friendship with a player known as LDK, not knowing the multitude of a coalition war i accepted...obviously it was against rainbow power, with a team which consisted of Desu, fruit and Barrymore...yeah first coalition buddy hope you know what your doing, so yeah 1 minute into my turn i ask LDK what the hell do i do.. he replied with "i picked volga, I'm IF...i don't really know myself" which ofcourse made me laugh and settled me in, we lost by turn 5.. but this created a friendship which lasted for about 2 years!

Madara/eagles8539 friendship... a-team/band of brothers
So yeah the next chapter was back when Andartes created a coalition called band of brothers...in early 2012.. this was a training coalition which consisted of a team of Me, Madara as leaders and eagles8539 as a officer! Creating players like freeland... This lead too the coalition known as A-team! Which was largely a unsucessful one but hey we had fun!

That dutch guy known as Waffel...avengers/mockingbird/Syndicate
This is perhaps the most interesting of stories i have...so about late 2012, i see two people in lobby chat talking in dutch. Known as snoepguy and Waffel...i started giving them abuse about how inferior the language was, to which i got a humorous reply from snoep, yeah mine and waffels friendship started of with us hating eachother!! Couple weeks later snoep has quit and waffel being waffel was writing lyrics in chat (yeah he did that 3 years ago too). we started talking...and started a friendship which has lasted the course of 3 years!

Our first coalition together was "the avengers" which consisted of me, pera, eagles8539, lemonade(freezehusk), time and waffel.. and at the time we was the only other coalition with the strength in players to worry the all time greats "Dalmati" but obviously we lost the first two games and yet again another failure, haha...i see a growing trend!!

Months go by and we both get a message from a player known as Spart about a coalition known as mockingbird! We both accepted and went into it, thus getting into syndicate! With some players known as "mathdino and primal" being one of the founding teams! But due to taking a break from the game i did not generally has much involvement with the creation of players like MOU ect...waffel will know more about that side!

15.08.2015 - 06:11
In 2012 a great soldier came to AtWar, in the beginning the soldier was seen as nothing, no threat to the world of first turn rush, one unit turnblock and 2 minute turns, the established order was strong nothing could take it down. The soldier was crushed on his first appearance, destroyed from a first turn rush and would be heard of no more, or so AtWar thought. In his second appearance the soldier was given the task of leading Spanish forces in a minor European War, the soldier was doing well until a great Serbian Latejoining horde came into the war, the Serbians were great warriors who were some of the most feared AtWar Soldier at the time. The soldier quickly lost ground and despite losing was able to take down the general Chief Desus and his Icelandic forces before being overrun by the other Serbian generals.

This disappointed the soldier, he would wander around in wilderness for a few weeks trying to find his place in the AtWar world, on this journey he met another soldier, Sixstars. Sixstars spoke of a great Kingdom Dalmatia that was recruiting soldiers, the soldier was taken in by the Dalmatian lords and trained in the arts of war. He was put into a battle against the Rebel alliance, his first taste of the Battleground known as Clan Wars, the soldier naïve at this point picked the Master of Stealth strategy and lead the Turkish forces, it was a long battle but the Dalmatian Pups won the war. Many celebrations followed, this was the starting of a great journey.

After a while the soldier grew weary of the Dalmatian leadership, although thankful for the wisdom bestowed upon him by great generals like Vrilious, Caulper, Aquiesce etc the soldier along with his friend Forever Alonius decided that they would seek their own path in the AtWar world, and thus created their own Kingdom Stalins Martians. Much of the soldiers story is twinned with the story of the Martian Kingdom.

The beginning of his kingdom went well, the Serbian Kings sent much gold and generals to support the kingdom in its early days. The Serbian Generals Fruit and Houdini created many tactics for the Martian forces to use, the soldier was thankful for these and pledged loyalty to the Serbians in exchange. At the time a great war was raging between the Serbian and Dalmatian forces, although remaining neutral the soldiers allegiance was eventually switched from Dalmatian to Serbian. With the knowledge given to the soldier he was able to lead the Martians to a second place finish in the seasonal war, his greatest achievement given the strength of forces at his disposal.

The next few months were difficult for the soldier, rebellions took place in the kingdom, a civil war had broken out, and in a fit of rage the soldier decided to destroy what had been created. The Martian kingdom was saved by another soldier Vdoginous and a group known as the True Martians. Realising his mistake the soldier negotiated with Vdoginous and the True Martians who had seen the path to greatness and rejoined the Kingdom to rebuild what had been destroyed. Some of the True Martians, most notably Dbackrus and Bert the Tank despised the soldier at this time and felt his place amongst the Martian people was not needed. The soldier was able to convince them though of his strengths and once again rose to power in the Martian Kingdom.

This is when one of the Serbian Generals who the soldier had fought previously, Chief Desus, decided to join the Martians. A great friendship was made between the Soldier and Chief Desus, Chief Desus was a knowledgeable general who improved the Soldiers game and would help the soldier lead the Martian Kingdom to greatness. The Chief also bought the Soldier a wife, Leafen of whom the soldier would defend at all costs. The soldier along with the Martians realised that the Battleground of Clan Wars was stagnant and decided to accept all challenges, they were the first to do so, and would not refuse any wars.
Around this time the great duo gods of AtWar lord of the Sky Amok and Lord or the Land Ivan, decided to make changes to the world, a purge of first turn rushing, the removal of one unit turnblock and the introduction of new lands customised for the people would come. This period caused great confusion, the soldier had to adapt to the new world and would be one of the first to thrive in it.

The Dalmatian and Serbian great war was coming to its end, the old generals much revered were losing patience with the world, the soldier saw the opportunity for the Martians to become the dominant Kingdom on AtWar, they seized their chance recruiting some of the finest mercenary soldiers for their domination. During this golden age many challenges came and failed, great wars against the Syndicans, Evolians, Art of Warians and Mortalia Kombatians ensued but nothing took the Martians from the top. Many trophies and much gold was gathered during this time, the soldier was much revered and hated in the atwar world and had come of age, the peak of his skills.

After a year or so of domination, the Martian warriors and the soldiers' interest and grip on power slipped, the true martians had been splintered. The soldier had grown weary of constant war and went missing from the game, leaving the leadership of the kingdom to others. The soldier had come from nothing, established a kingdom but now had grown weary of power, many arguments happened with new hungry soldiers in the kingdom. Although trying to fight back, the soldier was losing his power within his kingdom. The soldier's time was up, he decided to take a back seat.

New powerful kingdoms arose from the ashes, the Mortalia Kombatians had grown strong, the Syndicans consolidated power a new force the Illyrians were now powerful, the Martian Kingdom was struggling along with the soldier. Although sometimes returning to inflict their wrath upon the world the True Martians were struggling in the new landscape, perhaps again they will rise again, perhaps not, we shall see.

In his memoirs the soldier wrote the lines 'FU Goblinicus' followed by some ranting about tactics and what was wrong with the AtWar world, his mind old and frail was failing him, he was becoming weak in his power and it appears he would never again reach the heights of the golden Martian age. His wife had died and much of his motivation for war had been lost, sporadic attempts followed to regain power but the soldier realised that he was no longer a great general. This is when the soldier decided to become an advisor and join the council helping new players and writing on forums his memories. The worldhad become too serious for the soldier. In the future the soldier will hope that his story, and the story of his Kingdom of Martians will be remembered. The tactics employed in AtWar world had changed so much in the soldiers time, the world has changed, it is a bright new dawn, new history will be made.

*editing bits as i remember
15.08.2015 - 09:06
So it was march 2012 and one of my friends started to talk on skype about a game called ''Afterwind'' he asked my friend who's account name is: Snoepguy and me if we wanted to try out a risk-ish sort of strategy game. I used to play the boardgame risk alot when I was younger so I was down for it. So was the other friend. We started both as rank 1's obviously, we choose NL and belgium etc. Just because (home country) The friend that introduces us to AW was called ''Pentation'' or as we called him ''Penetration'' He was a rank 8 in Dalmati. He always was so serious and wanted us to speak english etc because we shouldn't cross the rules! (wowe). My friend and I kept talking dutch and just were random rank 2 trolls xD always allyfagging with eachother and gangbanging on all. We used to play America alot, like north america vs south america, those games lasted long to be honest like 40 turns. Those were the days I met some of the oldfriends I still see online sometimes.
Well that lasted till rank 5 or 6, pentation ofcourse taught us all his mighty dalmati expansions and actually trained us to who we are now. We didn't play AW much in the beginning, maybe like once in 3 weeks. and that lasted for almost a half year. After that snoepguy decided to quit the game because he didn't felt like doing the same things over and over (which I didn't like either) but somehow I decided to play because I already started making some friends here and there and I had actually fun playing the game. I was new in my rank 6's when pentation told me to watch worldgames where alot of players were playing it, you guys probably know most of those people like kona-chan, acq, skittz, bonkers, tesla, avatar, pera , eagles , trollface,bargain, etc. Pentation told me to talk with kona and asked kona if I could join dalmati pups. The fun for me started when I joined dalmati pups and started doing 3v3's. I got kona-chan as my leader and hewas kind of my ''teacher'' at those days in dalmati pups, he explained all things to us, the nantes pass, the denmark pass, the izmir to italy pass etc. The only thing I didn't like was when I was rank 6 LDK used to bully me and make 7-15 3v3's.
In dalmati pups I became friends with skender and epalka and time (freezehusk). Since we all were non-premium members kona decided to start some tournaments in the clan and give little premium packages like general and strategies to the winners and #2's. I won my general and premium strategies because of those tournament and I thank kona for all of that <3. In the meantime I turned rank 7 and skender was promoted to dalmati and time already left the clan to make his own clan ''ocean''. Kona was almost done with leading dalmati pups and had to switch with a member of dalmati who would become leader of pups for a short time. Epalka and I got promoted to dalmati too after we became rank 7+. In dalmati I got the learn alot of tricky expansions from Vril/kona/Caulerp/abdulla/lynschki. Well dalmati was pretty inactive at the end of 2012 and I got farmed by spart to join syndicate <3. Spart and I used to do alot of 2v2's and 3v3's which made us good friends. There is 1 3v3 we will never forget when we played in safaris map and spart had to recap me for like 14 times xD was hilarious as fuck. Then spart decided to invite clovis to the clan who I didn't wanted in the first place but after a while I was fine with it because clovis used to be a funny player at the time haha. We both were rank 7's and spart was rank 9. Well in syndicate I started to grow and actually became a ''decent'' 3v3 player. I was still rank 7 and LDK used to still bully me and make 8-15 3v3's now because I was rank 7. I didn't mind that much because I used to learn alot of things watching those players playing the 3v3's.

I had a small break of aw in 2013 somewhere around march, when spart decided make Mockingbirds with a bunch of people like unleashed,mou, primal, usernames, ldk, clovis, su, paolo and me. I didn't really like the name Mockingbirds and wanted to actually leave it because it was a big mess in there bunch of people got kicked to join the main clan etc. Then Leaf who was a good friend of mine wanted me to join SM since I was rank 7 player in Dalmati and when he noticed I left mockingbird he wanted me to join SM. I was like I know alot of people in SM and they are all friendly and seem fun so I decided to join there. I was for like 3 or 4 months in SM but 70% of my time in SM I was inactive, I dont even know why probably school and got bored by pc gaming or something lol. And when I came back from inactivity I trolled bonker so he would kick me ( yes he alrdy had short temper then xaxa). I did that because I didn't want to make Leaf sad for leaving the clan without a reason, which I had because SM didn't felt like a clan that suited me. So I was clanless again and mockingbird got deleted which was also the main reason I wanted to leave SM so I could join syndicate agan (I always liked the name, which was a huge reason I joined it) and only a few players were back in syndicate, spart was in campfire fellowship together with SU/lao/acq/tops.and he asked me if I would join syndicate again and I said yes and he decided to leave campfire and join syndi too. At the time only clovis,primal,spart,lemo,time and me were in syndicate. Usernames quit the game, idk what happened to unleashed, Syndicate was almost dead so we decided to invite bunch of lowranks so we could train them, little mou was one of those lowranks . So then those lowranks become higherranks and started to grow some balls and backstabbed syndi and shittalked and made evol etc. We all know that story.
Since SU was one of syndicates members we wanted him back from campfire and spart asked him, he came here allong with all of CF with acq lao and tops. Skender wanted to join syndicate too because BiteMe was slowly dying too. Syndicate became Modicate and that was one of the most fun times I had syndicate. Illyria was made in the beginnin of 2014 and I left because of some shit with clovis and skender. and lemo//time/eagles decided to leave with me and start PL. In PL we invited bunch of other olddies and became a good clan (my opinion).

So now I am back in syndicate where I probably will stay till AW dies (or spart) ;$.

Worldgames best era in AW!!!!

Napisano od Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
15.08.2015 - 09:27
15.08.2015 - 11:02
It was the day before I left for vacation, and I could not sleep. I was on the internet just looking for something to do, when I somehow came upon AfterWind, the Risk simulator. Well, it was everything i looked for in an online game. How cool was it that I could pick a country, become its leader/general/admiral, and expand and fight others? So I played the tutorial and jumped into a Eurasia/Africa game (Second only to World at the time) in the beginners lobby, probably ally fagged, and won.

Soon, I became high enough to entire the main lobby, and after some ups and downs, I was able to prove myself enough to somehow get invited into Andartes' clan, Band of Brothers. Me being about a rank 6 or 7, and this being my first clan, I didn't really talk or participate in anything with them, and was soon kicked out. Then, the day my AW life changed forever, the day Spart invited me into Syndicate.

One day, I awoke to find myself with an invite to a very prestigious clan, Syndicate. I knew I had messed up with BoB, so I was going to do things differently here. I happily accepted the offer, and made good friends out of the clan members there. We trained, played, laughed, and it was just an all around good time. However, under the surface, a plot was brewing, one that would change AW history. This plot, formulated by Mr_Own_U and Paolo, was for them, and certain other Syndicate members, to leave and form a new clan.This clan was evoL.

I was a leader of evoL for 2 years. With Mr_Own_U, Paolo, and I at the reins, we were unstoppable. We terrorized Clan Wars, easily rising to the top for several seasons. We also beat Stalins Martians in a historical 10 vs 10 cw in celebration of their 500th. I thought things would stay like this forever. How wrong I was.
EvoL began to fall apart after Lord Pontez had left. He got into a big argument with MoU, and was just sick of it. MoU had left after this event as well. Many others followed suit. My memory of the events is foggy, but I some point I had also left, leaving only Paolo in the clan. Wanting a break from the competitive scene, I joined Loli Army. Although my time there was short, I did truly enjoy it.

EvoL, trying desperately to survive, found MoU rejoing and reinviting everyone who was kicked the night before. I joined back and my leader position was returned. I knew evoL was on its last legs and wouldn't last much longer, but I wanted to be with the friends I made over my time in the clan. Shortly after, MoU made the thread about the death of evoL, much to my surprise. Everyone, including me, once again left. I am now in Stalins Martians, hoping to stay and make the most of my time here, both bettering myself and the clan.
Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
15.08.2015 - 11:06
Račun izbrisan
Napisano od clovis1122, 15.08.2015 at 10:58

This is a history of love and hate.

I still remember the time when Laochra joined syndicate. Little potatoes was still a newbie who came over with great Acquiesce, his pal Skenderbeu, and mighty TopHats from certain clan. Their new home, syndicate, was already a mess with Me and Waffel there. Before they joined, we used to play our 3v3 dose diary and CW's were rather strange, when we all 3 were online at the same time. Yes guys, Clan Wars were important.

At the start, our little potatoes was still learning the art of 3vs3's. As an experienced player, I answered a lot of his questions, while also giving him tips. It was probably my first disciple. We used to play CW's a lot, to chat, to play together, even to troll Waffel. Pancakes and Blue Waffel are to never be forgotten. ~Acq captured some of the moments of lols in syndicate, and even grave the clan one of his Jewels, a Fun Screenshot thread. We were always to see our superior players to play against some of the most weird matchups (Our best players, acq, skend and tops vs SM's Desu, Leaf and (,,,) with Turk-Ukr combo. We lost Turn 5, but was still an awesome game).

But then, the time to leave eventually came on. As he keep progressing he turned more independent, and even adopted his own name: Laochra. Still not sure what does it means nor if it is supposed to be fun. When Acq and skend were to make their own clan, Laochra followed them. Later on they would'be know as 'The Illyrians'.

I will never forget that 3vs3 when he was playing as UK. I told him one move, but rather than in syndicate times, he bite me back with "Yes I know, don't tell me what to do...". . I knew he had changed a lot, I guess now we both were no longer clanmates. I, then, stopped coaching him after this point. Our relationship were rather distant, and with the past of the time, we both eventually rank up.

As a new premium user, all the medals got me with almost no life as rank 10. On the other hand, our now big guy Laochra was a rank 9. Even though we didn't used to talk as much as before, there were still small talks about cw's and other topics. I once told him how pissed off I was feeling in syndicate, since back then I was forced to rush the East and win, or else we would lose West. It was a hard time there. I, then, asked lao how can a player learn without playing, to what lao say there's no way. That's when I though about 'speeding up the process'. I, then, started two full guides containing basic knowledge, now both threads are know as "Tips, Tricks and Common knowledge abou atWar" and "General guide to the game", respectively. I made those threads with all the knowledge I had, and the one I could find. I showed it to both hdrakon and Laochra, to which both told me the same: "You should post it on public, so other players can help you expand it".

Ignoring waffel's and spart's comments (and even leaving syndicate as a result of that), I released my two guides in 2014, I think. Then, I finally meet the community: Unfriendly, hater players. My two guides immediately filled up with negative feedback, I specifically remember Tunder coment: "Teaching low ranks zoom bugs? You should'be banned". It was hard time, but what definitively knocked me down was to see so many few support, and from those support, almost nonexistent positive feedback. Khal.eesi was the only person who not only acknowledged my work, but also compromised himself to fix the horrendous grammar mistakes I made back then. The help I was expecting never came on.

Some days later, Laochra also posted his own guide about Turn Block. Unlike mines though, his guides got a lot of positive feedbacks and almost no negative comment. Even Waffel commented good about that guide (Despise giving a negative feedback to my guides, ouch). Laochra even won a POTM for that. On the other hand... I was feeling that my work was not being acknowledged. Later on I would return to syndicate, while lao would become leader of illyria.

Our relationship went even more downstairs. Unlike the last times I couldn't even talk about CW's with lao, he would just ignore it. I asked him several questions, and proposed him many theories about how the TurnBlock, expecting that, if my thread doesn't get help, then at the very minimal I should help him to improve it. However, lao ignored many of them and when he reply, it was something among the lines of "Go test yourself". I once tried to taunt him by making my own thread about TB-s, but removed it after he say that I didn't even tried to talk with him (Memory leak... would become more common from now on).

I almost lost all the respect after a point in which, watching syrian moves, I told him I suspect that syrian was using hacks. He overreacted toward it, and even shared it with other Illyrians. Having joedtaxi accusing me of defamation was kinda a hard punch, since I considered illyria something like my second home. But our relationship would never hit more deep than at that case... I told that mod I would say nothing , but I already knew lao was making his moves behind the mod team. This influence would'be show when he pushed the Blitz Nerf, and later on even becoming moderator. I tried to recognize him and start a new friendship, from the top, but after Pavle's ban it just went downstairs even faster than before. I'm afraid it already crossed the line of no return.

Here we are, me rank 12, he rank 11. Always one rank above. I am still unsure if I changed or he changed, what happened, or why we cannot return back to our times in syndicate. Our little potatoes became a big guy, "someone in the life".

this is not aw experience, this is ur and lao's love story...

P.S still better love story than twilight
15.08.2015 - 11:13
Napisano od clovis1122, 15.08.2015 at 10:58

Careful, I dont think you get trophies for fictional writing. .
15.08.2015 - 11:58
It is actually an AW experience, and I don't see why we must restrict ourselves to count the history of our aw life. Now I've deleted it since lao will probably consider it as a "feud" (just read that part of the original thread, ouch).

I'll write something else later...
15.08.2015 - 12:13
Napisano od clovis1122, 15.08.2015 at 11:58

It is actually an AW experience, and I don't see why we must restrict ourselves to count the history of our aw life. Now I've deleted it since lao will probably consider it as a "feud" (just read that part of the original thread, ouch).

I'll write something else later...

You didn't need to delete it. It was still your legitimate experience regardless of what other people think of it.
15.08.2015 - 14:07
Well here goes.

I started playing aw with a friend(mahdi at the time, his account name is now usul). I played a few games with him(on world map mainly), made it to r3 then lost interest and moved on. I was bored one day and my friend asked me to play it again, i relogged my account and started playing more games. He hammered me in a game so i decided to learn so i could become good enough to beat him. Next thing i knew i was playing games daily and thus the addiction had begun.

Started off mainly with scenarios and high fund world games(mainly 25k-50k). I loved blitz and mos, i had read learsters mos thread and enjoyed playing with stealths. This continued up until i was late into r8 and i became bored and started looking for other game types to play. The duelists regularly playing on eu in the lobby(goblin and kratore mainly) caught my eye so i decided i wanted to learn how to beat them. I dropped blitz and mos and began learning strats to play at close range. I failed often at first and developed a 1:2 win/loss ratio, however i began to improve. At this point i decided to join a clan and began playing 3v3s. I began to get noticed and had offers to syndi and evol. My friend was in campfire fellowship at the time and told me to join, they boasted players like acqui and tops so i thought sure why the hell not. Acqui at this point was just coming back from inactivity, tops was at the peak of his powers. I played my first cw with them vs mk and found myself opposite mauz. Of the 400 cws now under my belt, it is one of the few i can remember the details of clearly.

Mauz was in italy, cvajscro in germany, slowind in ukr, i was in spain, acqui in uk, tops in turk. I managed to cause problems for mauz, capping him at one point, however with slows help he recapped. A few turns later tops was capped by slow. Acqui was slowly dominating germany. I managed to cap mauz again and hold this time however it was too late. Slowind was uniting east and his troop count became overwhelming. We lost.

I didnt play anymore cws with campfire, we were too inactive overall and decided to merge in with sydni. My friend usul was inactive so i left him behind and followed tops and acqui. For a time syndicate was very stacked. I had the pleasure of being in a clan with players like plato, eagles, waffel, tops, acqui, spart, skend and even clovis. Plato eagles and waffel were particularly helpful to me. I played a few cws but unfortunately i fucked up in one of them and since there was so many players not many more opportunities came for more. However it didnt last. Skend and acqui growing restless decided they wanted to make their own clan called Illyria. I was torn between syndi and following them at the time. Id grown to like eagles and waffel however i had issues with a certain player in their clan so decided upon leaving. Joed(who had tried to get me to join evol) and pont joined us and behold Illyria was born.

Chill joined up, and then we managed to beguile and steal khal from mk. We also made a good low rank find in basi. He became what acqui called "our token low rank". The main core of illyria was born. On the dueling side of things i was improving quickly. I had created a "to beat" list and had ticked a lot of players off of it. Only a handful remained.

To be continued
15.08.2015 - 15:24
Once I was playing with LilD and then I easily beat him, and he got super mad because the wisdom of the falcon was with me, so, he blamed the aw system.
15.08.2015 - 16:01
Račun izbrisan
Twas a dark and blistery night, when poor China- was bored and lonely. He thought of how much fun he had playing Risk, and that he was missing it. So he grabbed his computer and begged it for a free Risk online game. After many hours of searching and many attempts at other pay to play games, he discovered a gem. Its name - AtWar. "A cool name", he thought, might be what I am looking for. So he got on and registered( hassle free thanks to google). China- was so impressed, he quickly played many world 50ks and then tripped and fell. He had fallen into the world of RP. That world held him prisoner for many weeks. China- became bored with this, he thought, " wow this game is full of narbs". So he left, and didnt return for some time. But during this time, something itched in his chinese skull, something was trying to get his attention. It was AtWar, he quickly returned and began to play RP again. He realised that he wasnt having fun playing this. So he looked around and saw a 3v3. Something he had dismissed before. China- joined this game and got rekt. He thought WOW! The guys think they're SOOO GOOD. So he vowed to train himself how to beat these narbs. He spent many days learning expansions and the functions of TB. But this wasnt enough. No one would let a r6 play a 3v3. He needed some one to help him. So he looked for a coalition after looking through he spotted Singularity, he quickly applied and tried out, they accepted this gift and let him join. He learned even more, ranked up so people wouldnt judge him by his r6. He played his first clanwar and his first victory, it was a beatiful taste, legend has it, he continues to clanwar and learn all he can to this day.....
15.08.2015 - 16:31
I like tits ass pussy.

the end.
Deutsch überwältigt

15.08.2015 - 17:31
Ceylan Ozalp
Račun izbrisan
It began the first first day of high school. I ate breakfast 30 mins before i had to walk to the bus stop. Put in my head phones and listened to some dope music. As i got near the high way i noticed a girl i never seen before. being the nervous wreck i am, i didnt say hi to her and just stared at my ipod to avoid any awkward situation. A week passed and i still couldnt get the guts to say hi to her.... *sigh* Anyways i still hanged out with my home boys from last year so my social circle was still good. But i couldnt stop thinking about her. Call me whatever u want, a wannabe gangsta, a hipster just cuz the way i dressed... it was high school i just wanted to fit in but some people in my neighborhood thought i wanted to live the "thug life" lol. So here i am crushing over this hot redneck girl.she didnt dress like a redneck but she hanged out with them and used the n word in a rascist way torwards black people. my friends are black so i didnt like what she say about them. on the bus her redneck friends talking so much being rascist just made me hate her kind more. eventually i couldnt bare her rascist bs i could hear and just stopped liking her. a few days later she starts asking questions like whats ur name etc. in my mind i was saying why the fk do u care? i tried to ignore her but she was asking why my dad doesnt pick me up? SHE ASKED THAT EVERY FKING DAY AND IT WAS REDICULOUS. i dont care if i dont drive i got people to do that for me. then she asks why do i dress like a thug -_-. i tell her cuz its my choice. she still pestered me and i tried with all the will i had to ignore her. my friends said they saw her staring at me. i didnt know if she was talking sht or what. the final weeks of school a mutual friend of hours told me that she was madly inlove with me. i was too but i couldnt take her bs anymore and i didnt want to talk to the bch. then i heard her talking loudly with her friends and i had my headphones in. she said i was being an a-hole for ignoring her. then her friend replied dont worry about that kid hes seems stupid anyways. LOL SOME REDNECK CALLED ME STUPID AHAHAHAHA. when we got to the school she passed by and yelled a-hole loudly at me. i guess some girls cant take a hint huh? anyways thats all that happened this year i start college monday so i hope i meet a girl who isnt such a bch. OH ALSO AW STORY MY BAD.... just noticed. so it was a boring afternoon in summersville florida and i entered a lobby. some r10 was braggin how he could kill everyone playing usa in a rp. idiot went rogue the world killed him i said gg he told everyone he'll troll the next games we make then i guess he got banned the end.
15.08.2015 - 23:27
Joy and Torment

One day in the month of November of the year 2011, I was busily searching for a game that could fill the gap of another turn based strategy game that I loved known as "Conqueror". The games activity signifigant decreased and I could see it was dying, I was desperate for a new place to have fun and stretch my brain out. That's when I found "Afterwind" a very fun risk style game with free movement I was sold, at first I did not make an account I was more interested in getting my teeth into war. I do remember picking south Africa is a 50k world game my first time through, u picked up troop movement pretty quick and was zipping through africa or so I thought lol. I made it to about Nigeria in 15 turns and ran out of cash as I was ofc just spamming tanks with tank general and was quickly mopped up. I remember begging not to be killed falling on Def ears as I was trying to rp lawl. There where many games like this for me, where I would learn to use dirty tactics such as stealing allies lands and back stabbing, but I always lost even then there was a signifigant skill gap, and seeing as I was using a guest account no sp was saved this went on for about a month before I had a camp I was going to for school and forgot about aw for a while.

When I jumped back in around the beginning of March I was still using a geust account but I started to see and re cognise familiar faces, one said person said I should create an account so people can get to know me. So in May I created the legacy I have today. Lord Uthiseus was born. I played under that name for only two weeks before I changed it to HellRaiserX666X, because of my hectic agressive tactics dirty play and constent trolling and trash talking, someone called me a hellraiser and it stuck to this day. I continued to play like a total ass and the easiest way I gained sp was to ally fag and gang bang my weakest allies. This went on for about another month.

Around June 2012 I met a fellow named (Forever Alone) in a world map we did not speak for most of the game but around turn 25 I had a signifigant empire for the time based out of Spain and I just killed an egypt and he was taking it hard. I was trash talking back and humiliating this egypt. FA thought I was a funny guy and he liked my aggressive style, he asked me if I'd like some training and I agreed, so he finished sloughtering me from China that game then soon after I received a notification for an invite to "Stalins Martians" which had recently been revived by V-Dog and FA after bonker attempted to destroy it.

SM was a dream come true, it was where I fell in love with this game, it is where I finally saw the addictive magic that has me coming back to this day. This is when I met those who had the most influence on me in aw, I received training from FA as promised but he soon went inactive, this is when I met BertanK, Dbacks, and V-dog we all just kind of trained together and laughed together I grew up with those guys spacificaly dbacks who I had the tightest bond with, we would always 1v1 in search of new tricks to gain the edge, at this point they where all already into comp play I was still a world map noob but not for much longer.

A few month later I met a rank 4 who was coaching us in a cw I was participating in, he was very smart and helped me win my first 4 cws by his guidence. I was told he was an alt but no one would tell me who. I eventually dug out he was from srb and he continued to help me and progress my game. Soon after that SRB died and Desu joined SM I learned that it was desu this whole time. I did not know much about him but I looked up to him and was in awe of srbs former glory and the stories he'd tell. I started playing 3v3 constently and begging to be in clan wars because I wanted him to notice Me and know all the work on me paid off, by this point I'd been in 17 clan war and wad 14/3, but I never was allowed to face anyone signifigant, to the point where people would get angry at my bitching.this was the golden age for me, from November 2012-March 2013 good times with good friends lots of training and still a pretty friendly atmospher. This would all change soon.

The rest of 2013 is an Era I like to call the troll games. Not really progressing to much more and my clan war activity declining as I was falling behind the others in the skill gap, I started to play some of the new scenarios that had come up when afterwind became atwar. One of these was UN, and this is where I met the foul legions of the socialist party who gang banged 6 members per game at a time and did alot of trash talking, by this time I was still a hot headed noob and waged war against them and soon there un home realizing the trolling and lack of skill it took. Aswell at this time I revisited "Conqueror" which still wasn't dead and I started telling them about aw, that is when alot of them converted over including old man Eph, and my best friend The EMPeror, emp vowed to help me defeat the socialist party and another clan I decided I hated for similar reason, "Vals Bastards" he created WaM and quickly recruited a large following and our clan waged war with those two clan for the rest of 2013. By 2014 both Val and his legions where getting bored with aw and cut magic started a clan with crony leaving TSP without a real leader. With no more real drama Eph started to lose activity and he joined a private security force and was deployed to india. WaM died soon after.

By this time I was wanting something more, for some reason I hit a brick wall and was getting no better, despite most of sm trying to help me, I no longer clan warred but wanted very badly for a legacy of my own like desu. I saw my chance in the form of map making, seeing how most players worshipped the map makers like gods I had to do this I told myself. While descussing this in clan chat one day i became upset because I grew up relitivly poor and could not afford premeum, so bonker decided to help me out and bought me the map makers package. I was in love he helped me become the map maker I am today and showed me alot of tricks. At this time I made my first map, a shitty copy heavily edited of the MEGA usa map, I made Hells fallout world which was actually pretty successful. Funny thing is I did not have the package to host my own games LOL so I had to ask others to do it for me. I soon got in contact with my father who became a succussful businessman after he left me my brothers and mom when I was just a baby. He gave me a job in the mail room at his office building and with the extra money I bought full premium. I was so excited but with only one map I continued to modify it, this is when me and tunder3 became great friends on my fallout map. He was also a map maker and he helped me to improve my craft alot, even going as far as to give me a copy of his ggg map which I heavily edited for 6 months. Becoming my first featured map on the front page. I gained a massive cult of loyal followers from this and I was loving all the attention, but something was missing.

I soon realized I did not get the attention of those who I truly yearned for to love me, the Glorious competitive community. I soon went back to training hard for a few months and I started getting better again with the help from BertanK and Stryko, but by this time desu had assumed complete control over sm and he did not trust me in clan wars. Soon disagreements arose and I started fighting with bonker alot about the direction of the clan I was recently promoted to leader of for my loyalty for two and a half years. Soon tensions rose to a breaking point and in one big blow out arguement over bonker kicking members who did nothing wrong. I set out to find myself and left sm to find new people to train with, even though I had hopes of returning when I was stronger. I found the perfect clan to train in the form of evoL, mou had assembled the largest group of high rank veteran's I had ever seen, and it made finding 3v3 and learning tricks a breeze, as well as letting me clan war again, mostly against sm cause he knew I enjoyed beating them and proving to them I was a top tier player. I met the players of Bite me soon after there merger with evoL and grew very close with deviL and soldier and soon after evoL problems started to rise and the clan seen the great flight of its veterans fly off into the sunset including me who was gonna try to use his new skills he picked up to form a clan. That's clan was spectre and I accumulated a pretty decent lineup of player and we got all the way to third before the clan collapsed on itself as W4R soldier and Freeland all left the same day, and Tunder3 the day before. So I joined sa but it was pretty inactive other then soldier and suntzu. Things seemed to be getting bleak for me, would I ever realize my dream of aw glory?

Finally it was my chance I received a message from FA and he asked for my help. He recently came back to aw to find sm was basically asleep and he wanted me to come back to help win a 1st place trophy. I could not refuse the chance to help those who helped me so much. I said my goodbyes to SA and went back to where it all started. Now before I continue there's a little information I left out when Freeland left spectre I did not take it to well. So when I joined sm our relationship was shakey at best but things felt right and I was really happy. I had won 5 Clan wars in a row for Sam in about a week. When Freeland asked me to 2v2 cw I was relunctant because I was only really strong at 3v3 but he got me to accept and the cw commenced, well he was DS ukraine and I was pd Germany he died in a rush and I went on to fight for another 15 turns in a 2v1. Soon after the loss I got a notification. "You have been kicked from Stalins Martians" I was in utter disbelief. Seeing as I did not refresh page I could still use clan chat, I questioned why had the clan I loved so much do this to me, I won't go into details but bonker betrayed me and humiliated me and everyone I thought where my friends stood by and let him do it. After that I left aw for a few months.

On my return I was very skeptical of this game now everything seemed so dark but deviL and Soldier made me see hope, they resurrected SA and wanted me there to help. They made me feel great about myself and I met alot of the new generation of comp then including a Said Phoenix who I quickly fell in love with. Things where going great I was clan warring training all sorts of new players I was map making once more and all seemed glorious. We rose to 1st place and to this day that's where sa sits, but do to paranoia and fear of being dethroned tensions rose as for which direction SA would be heading. It ended with me splitting with SA and forming again my own clan in hopes of finally finding that brotherhood I miss so much from the SM days. At this point nothing else matters to me, I just want to say I have this group of players I'd do anything for, and they the same for me. I hope that's something I can achieve.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
16.08.2015 - 01:15
I'll tell a brief story of a group of fellows known by many names, but most commonly known as SRB. The first rendition of this group was called Kanker Elysium, offensive to a great many of players and requested to be changed a lot, it was the idea of Aristosseur; who proposed the word Elysium, and Vafika, who proposed Kanker; or Cancer. We all stemmed from /int/ we believe in! which only took up a few months, I'd say four at most. The original members of this split off due to /int/'s general inactivity, they were VAGlNEER, Vafika, Aristosseur, and myself. It was generally accepted that Vafika and Aristosseur would run things, as I was pretty new. We were all pretty good friends, but as time went on the relationship amongst Aristo and Vafika became strained due to Vafika's nature to troll, and Aristosseur's competitiveness, they do not mix well. Vafika's strategies and jokes typically gave us our losses while Aristo's autism gave us victories, with a bit of VAGlNEER and Fruit mixed in. We began to get some notice once we took out some of the best clans in the game at the time, and I mean quite literally took out, as in they disbanded right after the losses. /int/ we believe in would see this as well, though unfortunate in our minds as we saw them as brothers from the imageboard.

One day, Vafika abused his authority and kicked out Aristosseur, originally a joke, this would be the last time Aristo would be in KE, members at the time included Superior Cacow (Cow) whom had left biteme, Barrymore who I had met in world games - though he was only in for a few days, Desu, a mutual friend of Aristo and I, Ironail who was a power player of /int/ and Stomach Ulcers who was Vafika's friend and some others I might have forgotten. We all simultaneously decided it was time to leave vafika, especially after he got himself banned. Solunae Penticus was born, an anagram for "Pimps, Bitches and Nerds", translated into latin beforehand; I believe bitches is literally female dogs though. Solunae Penticus had a bit of a rocky start, disorganized and going through a wonky transitional period in AW mechanics wise, it would know a great amount of prestige in the community, whilst also acquiring disdain. It was a constant struggle for it's members, myself included, to stay competitive while also dealing with the politicking that came with disputing bans, warnings, and general banter.

Due to our hated position, it bonded us together like no other clan, no one could simply leave Solunae because they were forever stained, and would always return. This created a dynamic where we would attack specific targets of the clan like a wolf pack, players in particular, latejoining etc; typically in response to something we disliked that someone did. Likewise, it also created a sort of power vacuum where if you didn't have the skill to compensate our very aggressive behavior, you weren't moving very fast up the ranks of the clan. Few were played in CWs, and likewise even in some unrated games where there was a large clan presence for it might damage our public opinion.

Solunae Penticus reached great heights, and a peak of activity. We began to grow, and in some ways it was our biggest downfall. Many feuds began as a result of our training clan; Albanian Mothers due to their players moving up into the main coalition. The name of the training clan, which was a joke from Laki Zajeban of Kraljeva Garda saying we fuck all albanian mothers, received a lot of complaints, and was renamed PC mothers; or Politically Correct Mothers. We gained a lot of talent during this period, Houdini, Barrymore became more active, Desu became more active, just about all the names you might remember peaked during this time, or appeared here. But we also gained a lot of dead weight that subverted our close bond.

We had a great respect for one another, and it can be said that we conquered the game together, and fell together. I would believe the fall started with the banning of most of our players after a few run ins with the mods, people began to lose interest and as a result their skill waned due to lack of activity, some restructuring was in order, as Aristosseur was gone for a bit on vacation; about a month. The unstable positions of activity and what not required an active leader, and so Empire SRB was made with myself taking the role.

Empire SRB saw some success, but it was noticeably less successful than the last two predecessors. It grew in size and lost the bond of loyalty amongst the clansmen, people came and went, something unknown to Solunae, and while it lead the rankings for a long time, it was less so an unbeatable force, and more like any other competitive coalition.

Later on, Aristosseur returned and was banned for about a month, to which most of the coalition's members petitioned amok to share his ban, an act to show our loyalty and respect to our friend Aristo, knowing if it was for a month he'd never return. He did come back, but all of us who got banned for that period lost even more interest in the game. Finally, our definitive hold on the game's competitive scene had been weakened, for many reasons, and Desu went on to make Stalin's Martians great and we would suffer some defeats which would put the final blow in our morale to keep playing.

And so we left, made some attempts to come back, got bored, tried to come back again, got bored, and so forth. This was the end.

Now, some years later, we are nothing more than dust in the wind, the clans no longer on the leaderboards, the players no longer around, only the now perceived oldfags of AW even remotely remember us. And we've moved on ourselves.

All of us are now extremely busy, and most aren't even in touch. Most have graduated from college and went on to their career, and their life as a whole. Of note, I myself only really talk to Kaliraa who joined in the ending months of the coalition, Desu, YOBA who is Aristo's brother and sucked at AW despite joining before both of us, and ZOG. Houdini and Pulse every few months, I'll see them too.

There was a time when I would log in and get 5-7 pms immediately, now I can idle in the lobby and get nothing. Times have changed.

This is in no way a very accurate story depicting the events, there are a lot of things I don't remember clearly enough to tell, a lot of things I would rather keep secret, a lot of things that make this a rather empty story. But this was my experience.

Let it be known, we men of Solunae, friends forever, fought and died on the battlefields of AW with great valor for our Empire, and truly, we have finally reached our Kanker Elysium. Praise zizou.
Napisano od Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Napisano od tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

16.08.2015 - 01:40
Napisano od Fruit, 16.08.2015 at 01:15

Praise zizou.

Wow beautiful, I've been enlightened.
"My words are my bullets."-John Lydon

Spart is love
16.08.2015 - 06:23
 Eagle (Moderator)
Bla... Anyways:

About 3 and a half years ago I went to my friends place (Knez ) for our usual everyday hangout, to see the new game he started playing. In that time it was called afterwind. He was a r2 and let me play a bit on his acc and somehow the game grew to me, so once I got home I made my acc naming myself Eagle Watch. Days pasted with him and me playing all sorts of maps and soon we ranked up, him being r5 and I was r4. We were invited then by Pupbenny to a cln British empire, which we left very quickly to join Avatars Macedonian Empire. There I met many players, and such were Zizou, Yazan, Mauzer, cvajs... and soon enough avatar grew up on me, and there wasnt a day me and him didnt play a game or spent hours talking about different stuff. I soon grew to be a r7 narb, playing mainly blitz and some ra. By that time Mauzer left the clan and invited me and Knez to go with him, but I didnt leave yet cause I was drawn to avatar. I then saw my first cw, and was so amazed that I kept spamming avatar for us to play a cw. He always responded with a no saying he doent wanna play and that he is bored of this game. Then my savior LDK came. We played 2 duels and I ended up beating him somehow, dont really remembering how. He told me that I had talent and that I shouldnt waste it in Mac, but to join a real clan. I had 3 invites then, to MK, BoB by Tito and Avengers, since I was good with Pera. Joining MK was my best decision in this game, because that cln turned me into a player I am today. Mauz, slowind and cvajs or unle were the first 3 to play, but I had my share of cw's from time to time, even though I sucked. This went on and on until I got r9, cvajs became inactive and soon khal joined MK. Khal joining MK made Mauz very happy for some reason, and soon I also grew to be very fond of him. In next days me and khal rotated in cw's depending who was on, and then came the 5v5 cw with Illy, which was the milestone in MK's history. Mauz, cvajs, slo, me and khal played vs joe, lp, lao, acqui and skend. Khal and me in asia vs lp and joed, these 3 in eu. Acqui and lao came up as winners in eu, vs me and khal in asia. We played that cw up until 50 turns, turning out with us the winners. Mauz was so happy that for the first time he gave someone else a leader or officer in MK, and it was to us 2. Damn that feeling was good to have power in MK. Khal soon left, which left Mauz very heart broken, putting khal on enemy and ignore, never taking him off. We then received 2 new players, rush ukr Aoki, and narb blitz player Don, even though he aint that better now . Steve's first days in MK were very stressful, his fav color was Yellow, and second fav Blue, so he was pretty much colorless. Don saw new horizons by learning that blitz isnt the only strat in AW. Days went on, Mk became dominant and then about year and a half ago, knez came with us with a bug. He found out how u can bypass walls. We were so amazed that we had to try it out, and we also found out it could be used to cross water, or to put naval units in land. Next 2 3v3 games we bypassed every single wall, mauz attacked kiev with subs and destroyes, knez took moscow with dest, I had nt in every spanish city. Later tonight we played a cw against Illy, LP as usual WG his capped, which resulted as knez taking madrid through a wall haha. Next morning we were banned by Chess, which resulted in me putting him on enemy list for kicking me off the server repeatedly, and so Knez, Mauz and I were banned on 21 days. Ofc we didnt take that too good, so we played few games with alts, talked to mods to reduce the sentence, but no use. 3 days off ban left, Mauz and I decided to play a world game, and trollface joined in it. He allyfagged 3 guys, backstabbed 1 and won america, while Mauz and I killed over 10 players and won the rest of the world. Both were r4 with no upgrades, so our gw failed against mos inf in usa, he would win on SP. Deciding we couldnt let that, I gave mauz few of my countries so he could gain 300 sp last turn, and win the game. He won 7k sp and for some reason that was considered a farming, so meester extended a ban for 2 more days. Very bad experience...
Soon after that, we became op again, mods never trusted us or liked us, to this very day, and Mauz became a dictator once again.
16.08.2015 - 07:51
It was a sunny day on 23 July 2013,i was bored and i started to search on google for war games online,and i seen an intersting game caled atWar.I strted to play and i was very happy about,in few days i got rank 3,i had fun at begginers room with plenty of games to play.I can say i had much fun being a low rank.
Meanwhile i got my first new friends on Atwar,it was very nice to play with them,but also i got my first enemies....
When i reached rank 5 a new world has opened for me,that new world was called Main Room,i was very excited,about being in a new room filled with higher ranks then me.Also i discovered a new thing called Rankism,but i got over it,i can say i didn't got many problem with rankism,because i know i was less skilled then others and i always choosed to play small country as a low rank,also UN was my favorite game until i discovered other games like WW1 or WW2.Also i got invited in a friend clan,it was nice for a while,until that clan was gone,then i moved on.
In the new clan i got in (United Power) i discovered new friends,i developed new skills,i rank up,i got rank 6,i was playing training games,also played my first CW as rank 7.After UP got kinda boring and innactive,alsod i started to play rp in that time it started to be popular,it was fun,but i got bored of it,i was playing a lot of WW1 and WW2 games too at that time.At rank 8 i was bored of rp,and decide to move on to more intersting games .I got new best friends,that i won't forget them,my best friends forever in clans like Helghans and Aldmeri Dominion when finnaly i got my rank 9 was a happy day,and i realized it will be a long way to the rank 10,and i decided to play the games mostly for fun and not for sp,always i was enjoying the game,and i wasn't too focus on sp.
And now i'm here and telling this story,and i say this story still need to be continued...
"The essence of combat: kill, or be killed!"

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