Raise fleets, roll for personal income, donate the rest to the rebel cause.
Everyone is living a myth and it's important to know what yours is. It could be a tragedy- and maybe you don't want it to be.
Napisano od Tundy, 03.10.2016 at 00:15
Napisano od Google, 03.10.2016 at 00:07
Host Races, rest to rome
you didn't like my plan?
O, I won't host then, funds to rome
Napisano od Tundy, 03.10.2016 at 00:15
Napisano od Safari, 03.10.2016 at 00:09
Host a Spectacle, rest to rome
plz don't host a game
Oookkkay. I won't host, all that rome
All to rebels
Populares will implode this turn, surrender now and you will be spared and give full inmmunity. The republican forces can't be stoped.
The womanly traitor of Marius will be ban from public office, his lands will be torched and he will be forced to take the role of private citizenship for the remaiming of his life.
Do not listen to such vile propaganda liberators of rome.
As the descendant of the great statesman and my father, the great orator, I can assure you that the odds are on our side.

I have done the math and if these foolish senators build the max 28 legion and confront us in the gauls, they only have a 9.3% chance of winning.
Do not listen to such vile propaganda liberators of rome.
As the descendant of the great statesman and my father, the great orator, I can assure you that the odds are on our side.
I have done the math and if these foolish senators build the max 28 legion and confront us in the gauls, they only have a 9.3% chance of winning.
Nice complete math fail. Your strength is 32 plus the extra 4 from the commander, if we max out our forcelimit our strength will be 33 plus the extra 4 from the commander, our odds are nearly even.
Someone Better Than You
Do not listen to such vile propaganda liberators of rome.
As the descendant of the great statesman and my father, the great orator, I can assure you that the odds are on our side.
I have done the math and if these foolish senators build the max 28 legion and confront us in the gauls, they only have a 9.3% chance of winning.
Nice complete math fail. Your strength is 32 plus the extra 4 from the commander, if we max out our forcelimit our strength will be 33 plus the extra 4 from the commander, our odds are nearly even.
-2 from evil omen
You stalemate, you die from unrest. So stalemates count as losses for
So go ahead and foolishly distrust my calculation.
All to liberator treasury
Even should the Senate of murderers and cowards win, the people will butcher them all in popular revolt.
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
You're so desperate to get a win in battle you will lose the game, wise strategy, as always.
All to treasury
edit: added donations
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Well guys, look at it this way:
They defeat us (unlikely), they die of unrest.
We defeat them, they die anyways.
Either way, we win
This is a classic case of winning the battle, but losing the war. They're not even trying to win the war. Just the battle. Like they've been doing the whole game.
You Protest-atem idiots were withdrawing from faction bank for every damn thing. It was like Communist-led Rome!!
Napisano od JF., 03.10.2016 at 11:42
Host gladiatorial games
Quick tunder come arrest this man! He isnt donating the money to rome for legions and instead spending it on games!!
He is helping us in battle.
How fucking slow are you guys??!
You take fucking 24-36 hours to decide on a fucking course of action! Considering you guys are all in one faction (mostly) and are united in your desire to kill us one would think you'd finish your actions quickly!
But nooo!
Protestatem incompetence and uncoordination rearing it's head again
This is the earliest I get out on any weekday, cut a poor lad a break. I checked page this morning right before I left.
(Also, I have been trying to make best decisions all along but I wasn't able to even analyze any outcomes for this turn yet, only other person to give me a real plan is Tunder so before I make another snap judgment and lose the game I'm going to take a little bit to decide)
Ever heard of a smartphone? It's this metal/plastic and glass brick that does really cool stuff
You guys took 2 days when the revolt started to get your asses moving...
Only other person to give me a real plan is Tunder...
Omfg you guys are doomed.
Napisano od Darth., 03.10.2016 at 12:18
Ever heard of a smartphone? It's this metal/plastic and glass brick that does really cool stuff
You guys took 2 days when the revolt started to get your asses moving...
I couldn't do anything I have been doing on a phone. At least not in a timely manner
If unrest maxes out, don't both sides lose? If not its still a shitty situation to be in.
If unrest maxes out, don't both sides lose? If not its still a shitty situation to be in.
Rebels win by default if the Senate collapses from being overpowered by the mob
"Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
Napisano od Darth., 03.10.2016 at 11:58
How fucking slow are you guys??!
You take fucking 24-36 hours to decide on a fucking course of action! Considering you guys are all in one faction (mostly) and are united in your desire to kill us one would think you'd finish your actions quickly!
But nooo!
Protestatem incompetence and uncoordination rearing it's head again 
I've had enough of your shit commenting on every situation when you don't even contribute to the game. What have you done for Rome this game other than moan every chance you have?
Napisano od JF., 03.10.2016 at 13:11
Napisano od Darth., 03.10.2016 at 11:58
How fucking slow are you guys??!
You take fucking 24-36 hours to decide on a fucking course of action! Considering you guys are all in one faction (mostly) and are united in your desire to kill us one would think you'd finish your actions quickly!
But nooo!
Protestatem incompetence and uncoordination rearing it's head again 
I've had enough of your shit commenting on every situation when you don't even contribute to the game. What have you done for Rome this game other than moan every chance you have?
I'm a rebel you nut  I'm supposed to do stuff against Rome and shit-talk you rebels. You didn't have a problem with Phoenix or tunder but you have with me....interesting. Your hypocrisy disturbs me.
I contributed 40 Talents to Rome once. You know what thanks I got? An assassination attempt. So you can fuck off
Napisano od Darth., 03.10.2016 at 13:38
40 is that it? Tunder and Pheonixking didn't do it as consistently as you. If you're just being a rebel Fare enough.
Can you guys get on the chat again before I send my decisions, want to hear what you have to say*
Napisano od JF., 03.10.2016 at 13:45
Napisano od Darth., 03.10.2016 at 13:38
Tunder and Pheonixking didn't do it as consistently as you.
First of all I said Phoenix. Not pking
Second of all...what?!!