20.09.2015 - 11:59
So, I have been in a few situations and arguments as of late, now I must bring it up with the community to see what ye all think upon the matter. I, as an odd Antarctican, love to participate in RP Games, though the freedom to choose a nation I wish to play as seems to be quite restricted. You can say that this is stupid, host's rules and what not, which I agree, whatever the host says is kinda law, but the ability to play as nations you wish to, in a RP map, seems kinda needed as everyone doesn't want to play Russia, France, the UK, USA, Mexico or China. I for one like to play as the Czech Republic or a small base in Antarctica, but whenever I try, even in the Czech Rep. where I can clearly block Germany/Italy from growing to powerful, I get told "Important Nation or Kick" (Or something of the like). It's understandable, it really is, as I said earlier, host is law, but for whoever reads this post, what do you think about this? Ever had a problem like this or are you also a follower of the "Important Nations Only" rule?
---- "We march this way!" "Why sir?" "The big clicker in the sky tells us too!" ~The 1k Stack marching to engage a 50k Doomstack.
20.09.2015 - 12:15
You could purchase premium and host your own games if it means so much, otherwise you can hardly complain to those that have.
---- intelligence + imagination = extraordinary result
21.09.2015 - 02:38
The game is unfortunately restricted by the 20-player-maximum rule imposed by the creators of the game. Restrictions therefore have to exist. I've played dozens and dozens of RP games as the Czech Republic back in 2013 and 2014, but yeah... it's less of a thing nowadays. But I still play the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden quite often, so country choices aren't as restrictive as you might think.
22.09.2015 - 04:34
Hello there, and thank you for bringing this up to forum, As you know, there's a 20 player maximum, as International said. It is also important the major countries get picked, those are: UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia, China, India, Japan, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Turkey, Iran, South Africa/Nigeria and then maybe either an Egypt or a Saudi Arabia (so you have 2 open slots for minor countries). Of course those 2 minor slots can then be "used" for players to be less important countries, like Austria or Thailand etc...The thing about not having freedom in RP games, this being the world map RP games, is that it needs to have major nations picked, to "balance" the game among all players, and that is why I'm making a European Roleplay, with enlarged European Background to allow players to truly enjoy the concept of playing the countries (within europe) they like, of course in this map I'll be releasing in December, major countries must still be picked (France, UK, Spain, Germany and Italy and Russia (and Turkey) being the rest allowed for ffa countries such as Austria or Serbia etc... But like International said, you still have freedom to pick a minor nation such as Netherlands or Poland, as he said. Cheers. Al Fappino
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