You can now transfer ProtoCoins from your account to any other atWar account, whenever you want!

I've been talking about doing this for a long time, and now finally it's here.

Here's how it works:

To send ProtoCoins

  • Go to the user profile of the person you want to send to.
  • Click the "Send ProtoCoins" button:

  • You'll see a popup like this:

  • Enter the amount you want, and click "Send".

There is a small fee for sending ProtoCoins: 5%, with a minimum fee of 10PC.

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Monthly Map Promotion
Since March 2020, promoted maps are available for ALL players to play for free, even non-premium players.

This month's featured map is:

It's really a lot of fun! Give it a try

Tip: load New Yorkers into NY MTA Transit buses, and New Jerseyites into NJ MTA Transit buses. Buses are the best way to move around quickly on this map. Don't waste money on tanks or other units until you have a lot of funds to spare.

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Report by Sven Waldbruder, ANN
Updated April 1, 2021

atWar World Headquarters, Djibouti -- a group of dejected, angry nerds were seen leaving the atWar head offices earlier today. Anonymous sources tell us a heated meeting took place between CEO and well-known egomaniac hothead, Dave, and the atWar Moderation Team, which apparently ended with Dave quoted as saying "I'm tired of this sh*t, you're all fired!"

A short time later, with no Moderators around to stop them, a small group of communist activists, and one guy wearing a sailor hat, were seen infiltrating the building. Witnesses reported hearing gunfire erupt inside. No one has exited the building since, and the whereabouts of Mr. Dave, who was believed to be inside at the time, are as yet unknown.

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atWar Lottery is back! Congratulations to Captain_R3KT and General Stepa for winning our previous lottery!

This month's jackpot is 10000 ProtoCoins, and 2 winning tickets will be chosen! The jackpot will be divided evenly between each winning ticket. So that's a guaranteed 5000 to each winning ticket -- enough for Lifetime Premium, or whatever you want!

Tickets are:
1 ticket - 150 ProtoCoins
3 tickets - 350 ProtoCoins
5 tickets - 500 ProtoCoins

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