Napisano od Ivan, 12.10.2015 at 05:15

Playing with a team with a similar color... I can't say if a stack is mine or his... Need to click to figure it out, and I don't like that!
Napisano od PleaseMe, 11.10.2015 at 12:30
Fix some of the colors on your color wheel. For some people it's harder to identify the same and different colors especially in game. The colors are very similar.

There are only so many colors that we can use, before they start getting rather similar. Feel free to suggest alternative colors, but keep in mind they also need to look different enough when half-transparent.
Black, like how it was in Silverlight; with a tint of grey in it. And white, white is the only color you're missing that could be implemented. Have you also thought about instead of making only solid colors, you could make stripes, polka dots, etc.?
Eagle (Moderator) Objave: 1481 Od: Srbija
In cln chat when u talk with players that are in the same game as u, show their color like in SL
Napisano od Helly, 09.10.2015 at 13:57
Napisano od Lemonade, 09.10.2015 at 04:48
There is no attack/def overview
Opportunity for new skills.
The opposite actually. Now you attack cities blindly and hope to not lose all your troops.
Quite the opposite: check what you are attacking before making the move.
NVM, discussion outdated.
I do appreciate you guys making this thread btw... even though it's a complaining thread, you guys deserve the praise of actively trying to make the game get back to it's standard quickly

[pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
[pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush
Make it so you can click a player and see what game they are in....and make that game name a link to open the game.
You can't see what game people are playing when you hover over or click their names. You can't see the total SP of a team in team games and it's often important when games drag. Also when you move the screen into an area that ahs a country that was previously not visible the country looks neutral until you stop moving.
Someone Better Than You
When you want to pr a person you click on his name but it also shows his profile.Make it when you hover over his name to show his profile and when you click on it for pr.
Where are we supposed to purchase upgrades in html?... that should be more obvious.
Need to be able to see which games our friends our in by clicking on their name - like in silverlite.
Currently not possible to click and drag units as it was in silverlite. Makes game play slower....
On subject of slow game play... fast keys/keyboard short cuts. If you're going to have a new version of AW it should better than the previous version in some way, if you can implement a way in which walls can be made in a fraction of the time it takes to click the stack, move slider, click unit, place, repeat *3... would make gameplay much more enjoyable.
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 09:58
Where are we supposed to purchase upgrades in html?... that should be more obvious.
Need to be able to see which games our friends our in by clicking on their name - like in silverlite.
Currently not possible to click and drag units as it was in silverlite. Makes game play slower....
On subject of slow game play... fast keys/keyboard short cuts. If you're going to have a new version of AW it should better than the previous version in some way, if you can implement a way in which walls can be made in a fraction of the time it takes to click the stack, move slider, click unit, place, repeat *3... would make gameplay much more enjoyable.
Upgrades - http://atwar-game.com/users/upgrades.php
Click and drag should work. If not, then it's a bug. Does the zoom work with mouse wheel?
Shortcuts - http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22183
Napisano od Amok, 13.10.2015 at 10:44
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 09:58
Where are we supposed to purchase upgrades in html?... that should be more obvious.
Need to be able to see which games our friends our in by clicking on their name - like in silverlite.
Currently not possible to click and drag units as it was in silverlite. Makes game play slower....
On subject of slow game play... fast keys/keyboard short cuts. If you're going to have a new version of AW it should better than the previous version in some way, if you can implement a way in which walls can be made in a fraction of the time it takes to click the stack, move slider, click unit, place, repeat *3... would make gameplay much more enjoyable.
Upgrades - http://atwar-game.com/users/upgrades.php
Click and drag should work. If not, then it's a bug. Does the zoom work with mouse wheel?
Shortcuts - http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22183
Nice work on shortcuts.
Zoom does work on mouse wheel, what I mean specifically is click and hold - drag - release, instead of click, release, drag, click to release- process is not as fluid
Soldier001 Račun izbrisan |
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 10:58
Napisano od Amok, 13.10.2015 at 10:44
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 09:58
Where are we supposed to purchase upgrades in html?... that should be more obvious.
Need to be able to see which games our friends our in by clicking on their name - like in silverlite.
Currently not possible to click and drag units as it was in silverlite. Makes game play slower....
On subject of slow game play... fast keys/keyboard short cuts. If you're going to have a new version of AW it should better than the previous version in some way, if you can implement a way in which walls can be made in a fraction of the time it takes to click the stack, move slider, click unit, place, repeat *3... would make gameplay much more enjoyable.
Upgrades - http://atwar-game.com/users/upgrades.php
Click and drag should work. If not, then it's a bug. Does the zoom work with mouse wheel?
Shortcuts - http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22183
Nice work on shortcuts.
Zoom does work on mouse wheel, what I mean specifically is click and hold - drag - release, instead of click, release, drag, click to release- process is not as fluid
as amok stated several times, use IE narb.
Napisano od Guest, 13.10.2015 at 12:09
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 10:58
Napisano od Amok, 13.10.2015 at 10:44
Napisano od Phoenix, 13.10.2015 at 09:58
Where are we supposed to purchase upgrades in html?... that should be more obvious.
Need to be able to see which games our friends our in by clicking on their name - like in silverlite.
Currently not possible to click and drag units as it was in silverlite. Makes game play slower....
On subject of slow game play... fast keys/keyboard short cuts. If you're going to have a new version of AW it should better than the previous version in some way, if you can implement a way in which walls can be made in a fraction of the time it takes to click the stack, move slider, click unit, place, repeat *3... would make gameplay much more enjoyable.
Upgrades - http://atwar-game.com/users/upgrades.php
Click and drag should work. If not, then it's a bug. Does the zoom work with mouse wheel?
Shortcuts - http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=22183
Nice work on shortcuts.
Zoom does work on mouse wheel, what I mean specifically is click and hold - drag - release, instead of click, release, drag, click to release- process is not as fluid
as amok stated several times, use IE narb.
... The guy asked what we wanted improved, I answered. IE sucks balls
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
We're planning to add it.
• Lobby scrolling - makes me feel like i don't have the complete overview of the lobby...sliding games left or right was better
• Chat - i would prefer if chat was vertical on one side of the screen. Would be able to see more messages and chatting would be easier. Right now only like 3 people have to talk for you to constantly scroll (damn scrolling) up to see what someone said
• Colors - this is a graph of least favorite colors by men and women... remove orange and change color scheme
• Customization - give us more customization options to spend SP on :/
• Lag and slowness - yes
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
so everyone get general, but premium get upgrade, right?
Napisano od Htin, 13.10.2015 at 15:45
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
so everyone get general, but premium get upgrade, right?
You did not read that at all correctly....
We are not the same- I am a Martian.
I would like to see...a mobile app for AtWar linked with PC browser version.
A detailed version of the map.
A better fps while playing since the new HTML5 came out....its a BIT laggy.
Thanks for Everything you have done Ivan and Amok.;D
Hey Ivan/amok
is there anything you guys can do to substitute for the loss in range we experienced with the decrease in the effectiveness of the famous "zoombug"? Fair enough there is no point reintroducing a bug. But is there anything else you can do, say perhaps a slight increase in the base range of units?
Or perhaps for example multiply the standard basic unit of range by 10 so instead of 7 range we could have 73 range.
Heres an example of the issue. With a 7 range unit on Silverlight i can go from umea in sweden to tromso in norway by zooming out. On html5 i cant. This is just one example.
here is html5 zoomed in
and here is zoomed out.
While we can adapt, i'm pretty sure we would all like to retain the base ranges we were used to on SL. Theres also a knockon effect to the meta of the strategies with this particularly towards short range strats like IF, gw and pd.
Under silverlight, when i build troops like say paratroops in Fappinos RP Game:
I open the city menu, than i scroll down until i found the desire units: "paratroopers" and pick them. (normaly scenarios have dozen and more of units).
If i open the city Menu in another city again to build more "paratroops" it was not necessary to scroll again down to find paratroops, because Silverlight Version remember how deep i scrolled in the last city menu.
Now under HTML 5 this has changed, it is necessary to scroll down in every city to find to build paratroopers.
Also would it be possible to add a hotkey to place units on top of cities without them being dragged in for the purpose of maneuvering past them. Apparently this was ctrl on Silverlight but i wasnt aware of it. Something similar would help a lot on html.
When you try land units of sea transport you should have the same option as in sl to take all land,naval,air units together with general so we can use generals stack movement upgrade.
My issues :
During the game i click mause anywhere in map , and i scroll the map up and down all the way.
This is what happenns - >
PS: The countries who show as neutral in these SS, are actually owned by other players on that turn....
Soldier001 Račun izbrisan |
Napisano od Ivan, 13.10.2015 at 15:34
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
We're planning to add it.
Here's two other suggestions for game conditions:
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?
Napisano od Guest, 15.10.2015 at 00:28
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 14.10.2015 at 18:49
My issues :
During the game i click mause anywhere in map , and i scroll the map up and down all the way.
This is what happenns - >

PS: The countries who show as neutral in these SS, are actually owned by other players on that turn....
well, it depends on what browse you use, on internet explorer it barely has any such bugs.
Google chrom
I rather play with bugs on googl chrome than on IE
Soldier001 Račun izbrisan |
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 15.10.2015 at 07:39
Napisano od Guest, 15.10.2015 at 00:28
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 14.10.2015 at 18:49
My issues :
During the game i click mause anywhere in map , and i scroll the map up and down all the way.
This is what happenns - >

PS: The countries who show as neutral in these SS, are actually owned by other players on that turn....
well, it depends on what browse you use, on internet explorer it barely has any such bugs.
Google chrom
I rather play with bugs on googl chrome than on IE
your choice, just pointing out there is a better way to play this game
What ever you guys are doing, keep doing it... right now i notice a good increase in speed.
Napisano od Ivan, 13.10.2015 at 15:34
I would like to see a "Kill the General" mode, where it's all about killing this one person, would make this game even better!
Thanks for everything done so far!
We're planning to add it.
That's awesome! Thanks a lot!
Tigro Račun izbrisan |
I think all of these have already been posted in the thread, but I'll mention them again.
Improve the interface, make the main room bigger and add some way to expand it removing the wasted space at the top.
Bring the zoom trick back.
There are also some annoying small differences when moving units, too.
Other than that I'm fine with almost everything, I can adapt to the rest.
1- Player tab
I don't think it matters if a player is premium or not, it should be like in SL where your rank symbol has your color
2- Text font
I don't like the timer  hope i get used to it eventually if you don't change it but I think the SL version of it was better
3- Cities
You need to put the number of units right in the centre of the symbol (looks weird like this) and improve the resolution of the numbers
For now that is all, when i play more games i will make a longer post with more sugestions to improve the game
I cant find if "Strategies" are enabled or not like it was in SL. There is no hint under "Settings".
Stryko Račun izbrisan |
Stryko Račun izbrisan |
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 17.10.2015 at 18:48
just for future reference, prntscr.com wont work with [/img] it will show up as error like it shows in your post.
When you upload with lightshot copy paste it on broswer and right click "copy link address" then add it on img
er what? it didn't show up with an error for me when I made the post. (and if you look at the quote, it shows a .jpeg link anyway)
Napisano od Guest, 17.10.2015 at 18:49
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 17.10.2015 at 18:48
just for future reference, prntscr.com wont work with [/img] it will show up as error like it shows in your post.
When you upload with lightshot copy paste it on broswer and right click "copy link address" then add it on img
er what? it didn't show up with an error for me when I made the post. (and if you look at the quote, it shows a .jpeg link anyway)
it should be .png.
this is how i see your post and propably everyone else
Stryko Račun izbrisan |
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 17.10.2015 at 19:11
it should be .png.
this is how i see your post and propably everyone else [img.]http://i.imgur.com/aQq2x3x.png[/img]
not for me: http://prntscr.com/8sfw02
the images are directly from the image link and btw it can be a .jpeg/.jpg as it's also an image format... same with .gif, it isn't limited to .png
Napisano od PleaseMe, 12.10.2015 at 13:40
Napisano od Ivan, 12.10.2015 at 05:15

Playing with a team with a similar color... I can't say if a stack is mine or his... Need to click to figure it out, and I don't like that!
Napisano od PleaseMe, 11.10.2015 at 12:30
Fix some of the colors on your color wheel. For some people it's harder to identify the same and different colors especially in game. The colors are very similar.

There are only so many colors that we can use, before they start getting rather similar. Feel free to suggest alternative colors, but keep in mind they also need to look different enough when half-transparent.
Black, like how it was in Silverlight; with a tint of grey in it. And white, white is the only color you're missing that could be implemented. Have you also thought about instead of making only solid colors, you could make stripes, polka dots, etc.?
Bruh the last blue is a pretty colour dont delete that one.. D: finally had a new colour after fking black got deleted and now you wanna delete my other colour? D:
Hey Ivan/amok
is there anything you guys can do to substitute for the loss in range we experienced with the decrease in the effectiveness of the famous "zoombug"? Fair enough there is no point reintroducing a bug. But is there anything else you can do, say perhaps a slight increase in the base range of units?
Or perhaps for example multiply the standard basic unit of range by 10 so instead of 7 range we could have 73 range.
Heres an example of the issue. With a 7 range unit on Silverlight i can go from umea in sweden to tromso in norway by zooming out. On html5 i cant. This is just one example.
here is html5 zoomed in

and here is zoomed out.

While we can adapt, i'm pretty sure we would all like to retain the base ranges we were used to on SL. Theres also a knockon effect to the meta of the strategies with this particularly towards short range strats like IF, gw and pd.
Another thing is that the land passes with transports/destroyers dont work anymore..
Napisano od Centurio, 17.10.2015 at 10:33
I cant find if "Strategies" are enabled or not like it was in SL. There is no hint under "Settings".
Look in the Units menu.
Citat: Tell us what you are unhappy about
no gf
...још сте ту...
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 15.10.2015 at 07:39
Napisano od Guest, 15.10.2015 at 00:28
Napisano od AlBoZzZ, 14.10.2015 at 18:49
Google chrom
I rather play with bugs on googl chrome than on IE
Try firefox, its still better than IE and most of the bugs I had on chrome weren't present on firefox
Stryko Račun izbrisan |
We tried to CW with ENIGMA about 10 seconds ago from posting this and there was way too much lag for it to even start, other games in the Main lobby seemed to play fine though.
Napisano od Guest, 18.10.2015 at 12:52
We tried to CW with ENIGMA about 10 seconds ago from posting this and there was way too much lag for it to even start, other games in the Main lobby seemed to play fine though.
Whenever we joined the CW it started to get laggy, like there couldn't be more than 1/2 person in the waiting room for the cw. If we got out of it the chat was back to it's normal speed

[pr] Commando Eagle: duel?
[pr] Commando Eagle: i have to regain back the lost elos and gain extra as punishment for rush
Napisano od Guest, 18.10.2015 at 12:52
We tried to CW with ENIGMA about 10 seconds ago from posting this and there was way too much lag for it to even start, other games in the Main lobby seemed to play fine though.
This ^^. I experienced this a week ago when we tried to cw, i just assumed it was the servers atm but this seems to be connected to hosting games in the cw lobby only for whatever reason.
Ghost Račun izbrisan |
No colors in name when chating
In a game for multiple turns my unit would not break a cap wall, no rewall no tb nothing, only a greyed out line and my unit disappears.
I cant see the criteria for a medal:
e.g. silverlight
could you also add the color in "game contacts" and add spectators too?
"War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
― Carl von Clausewitz