Update: now on the new domain!

Hi everybody! In light of opening the client code for contributors, we've decided to also set up a proper test environment. If you want to be the first to see new features and to help us make sure they actually work, welcome to https://atwar-game-test.com!

Test site uses a test service and test database, so everything is completely separated from the live site. You will have to create a new account, as your old account password wouldn't work (privacy concerns!). We'd also advice not to use the same password you're using on the live site.

There are currently two very small updates there, courtesy of Safari and Clovis:
- Saving your preferred color. When entering a game and selecting color, it should be automatically preset the next time you enter the game (if not already taken). The preset gets erased when you close your browser.
- Bug fixed: after merging air units with land units correct range should now be displayed.

We've tested these already and they seem to work, but feel free to give them a go.

These updates are baby steps for now, as we still don't have a resident programmer. Having a proper test enviroment will really help to get things going though, as it's always a very time consuming part of the development process.




Kupite Premium da sakrijete sve reklame
Komentari: 63   Posjećeno od: 1391 users
11.11.2017 - 07:44
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

11.11.2017 - 07:45
11.11.2017 - 07:47
11.11.2017 - 07:52
It shows '' wrong security code '' while trying to create account
11.11.2017 - 07:57
Use guest then press edit profile
All mortals must be destroyed...
11.11.2017 - 08:06
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
11.11.2017 - 08:11
Napisano od razm, 11.11.2017 at 07:52

It shows '' wrong security code '' while trying to create account


Also, do we happen to have test servers on it that won't crash?

11.11.2017 - 08:33
 Ivan (Admin)
OK, we've discovered an exploit that involves the test server, so it's closed for now until it's fixed.
11.11.2017 - 08:33
11.11.2017 - 08:53
I want to know why when i joined back Atwar i was in another acc ? i was in test aw before
11.11.2017 - 08:53
Sounds good.
11.11.2017 - 09:19
 Sid (Admin)
How exciting <3
11.11.2017 - 09:38

11.11.2017 - 09:43
Good job !
11.11.2017 - 10:22
11.11.2017 - 10:29
11.11.2017 - 10:53
When i saw notification,thought Mauz kicked me again...but hey great news,keep up the good work!
11.11.2017 - 11:03
I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward

11.11.2017 - 11:21
Nice, finally after a long time Atwar is taking the good way
Roma Victrix
11.11.2017 - 11:56
Napisano od Domo, 11.11.2017 at 10:53

When i saw notification,thought Mauz kicked me again...but hey great news,keep up the good work!

Literally same thought went thru my head.

We live in a scary world bro..
11.11.2017 - 12:04
 Ivan (Admin)
OK, new domain is up here: https://atwar-game-test.com
11.11.2017 - 12:06
Humans are only a suicidal sub species of Chimps running a muck on this planet.
11.11.2017 - 12:08
I would rather focus on game play machinics as unfair battle outcomes and destroys competitive gaming making it totally luck dependent and biggest prove for me about this is that each time a guy loses for a turn block he says "nice tb" what does he possibly mean?
the people who supports the idea of making game like risk are the same people who sucks hard at planning and thinking so they simply do that
1unit to romania + 1 unit to bulgaria + 1 unit to greece + 1 unit istanbul + 1 unit belarus + 1unit izmir and full attack cap and bullshit win...
how about we have in units movement window the option to tell our units to stay and defend if attacked or ignore invaders for the greater good? and that should not happen outside the city but what should happen is if units have enough range to stalk the attacked stack then they will join them where ever they went
if you dont want to fix the rolls thing for example (7infantry fully upgraded with general fully upgraded with perfect defense as strategy did fail against 5 neutral militia) then please do this favor to your old players who wants challenge not luck.
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
11.11.2017 - 12:27
After login and trying to access messages box, this appears immediately everytime:

11.11.2017 - 12:44
 Ivan (Admin)
Napisano od Alexis, 11.11.2017 at 12:27

After login and trying to access messages box, this appears immediately everytime:

Fixed. We're still tinkering with some small things, sorry.
11.11.2017 - 12:51
When I got in that it showed me aw in jan-feb 2016, was r8 with my old old name. does everybody get it?
Do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished.
11.11.2017 - 13:06
I can not log in my account to the test version. i thought the purpose of that was to test new map editor (you can't with new account). or you did'nt put updates to see yet? anyways send me a mail if you need help with checking it.

11.11.2017 - 14:03
My nigga Safari !!!!!!
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
11.11.2017 - 14:26
 Acquiesce (Moderator)
Napisano od Khal.eesi, 11.11.2017 at 10:22

My favorite cheese
The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
11.11.2017 - 14:58
Napisano od Ivan, 11.11.2017 at 12:44

Fixed. We're still tinkering with some small things, sorry.

Nice porfile pic on there

11.11.2017 - 15:06
Will black colour be able to set as preferred colour?

Napisano od Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
11.11.2017 - 15:11
 Ivan (Admin)
Napisano od Rock Lee, 11.11.2017 at 13:06

I can not log in my account to the test version. i thought the purpose of that was to test new map editor (you can't with new account). or you did'nt put updates to see yet? anyways send me a mail if you need help with checking it.

From the news post:


Test site uses a test service and test database, so everything is completely separated from the live site. You will have to create a new account, as your old account password wouldn't work (privacy concerns!). We'd also advice not to use the same password you're using on the live site.

Later we'll arrange some way to test premium-only features there, no worries.
11.11.2017 - 17:49
Napisano od Ivan, 11.11.2017 at 15:11

Napisano od Rock Lee, 11.11.2017 at 13:06

I can not log in my account to the test version. i thought the purpose of that was to test new map editor (you can't with new account). or you did'nt put updates to see yet? anyways send me a mail if you need help with checking it.

From the news post:


Test site uses a test service and test database, so everything is completely separated from the live site. You will have to create a new account, as your old account password wouldn't work (privacy concerns!). We'd also advice not to use the same password you're using on the live site.

Later we'll arrange some way to test premium-only features there, no worries.

u cant change map<3
I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward

11.11.2017 - 18:17

Laochra¹: i pray to the great zizou, that my tb stops the airtrans of the yellow infidel
11.11.2017 - 18:32
Okay, I tried to register an account using the same username that I have on the main server, and it says "account with this name already exists". I tried searching for that username in players list on the test server, and there is no exact name "Pavle". I suppose that test server uses the database that is connected to the main server database, am I right? I think that it isn't safe to have connected databases.

11.11.2017 - 19:11
Im the highest rank in atwar.test.com
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

11.11.2017 - 20:02
I am not a super dank coder but I had some questions towards the dank devs. I made personal websites when I was younger, and I am touching up on my javascript but....

If HTML5 atWar uses JSON data to store... data(units,map borders, etc)
then what does silverlight use?
Which game engine did you guys base this off of, or did you guys work from scratch?
and wow i guess as of a few days ago, the developer tools has been disabled on atwar, there goes my learning experience.
Is there a changelog for the atwar-game.js (just curious i have seen it change from i think .43 to .48[but now dev tools are gone ])

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions, I have more for whoever knows the answers
11.11.2017 - 22:11
Napisano od SyrianDevil, 11.11.2017 at 12:08

biggest prove for me about this is that each time a guy loses for a turn block he says "nice tb" what does he possibly mean?

My simple counterargument to that is that people like gk have the entire community crying about their tbs while never getting tbed themselves.
Personally I have had a lot of people cry about tbs but never been tbed overexcessively myself.

Why, just why, is it that laochra/heat/gk somehow tb consistently, and not get tbed consistently, but the rest of the community cannot do likewise?

11.11.2017 - 22:14
Napisano od 4nic, 11.11.2017 at 19:11

Im the highest rank in atwar.test.com

noob duel farmer

11.11.2017 - 23:47
Napisano od LukeTan, 11.11.2017 at 22:11

Napisano od SyrianDevil, 11.11.2017 at 12:08

biggest prove for me about this is that each time a guy loses for a turn block he says "nice tb" what does he possibly mean?

My simple counterargument to that is that people like gk have the entire community crying about their tbs while never getting tbed themselves.
Personally I have had a lot of people cry about tbs but never been tbed overexcessively myself.

Why, just why, is it that laochra/heat/gk somehow tb consistently, and not get tbed consistently, but the rest of the community cannot do likewise?

you wut?
laochra never tbed< laochra lost a cw against opi few days ago for a tb and got capped yesterday in a cw and said in clan chat "too many tbs"
what a shit counter argument... and of course gk wont get tbed when all he does is tb and rush... deal with it.. that makes game just luck luck luck we had enough of luck
its freaking luck nothing to do with skills cant you get it? i know i have it and opponent have it but its still luck luck luck no constant rule for it lol... you know why people doesnt rush rome in 3v3 now a days? because transports could be easily tbed and rip the player and you know why west games are likely to end turn 3? because we can easily 1 unit tb and rush the others cap for example paris or london really what sense does it make when you cannot even move its very gay very very gay the units attacking are targeting the city not the units inside it... people claimed tbs are necessary so you do not escape your stack to never get them killed if they are exposed for example and that applies for general walking alone to avoid death as well but well.. if someone wants to be retarded and leave his cap open to not get his stack killed then this is illogical reason to create the turn blocks shit...
you know? once upon a time at war had like 90% tb chance i have seen a video for very long ago players at 2013 the guy just sends 1 to paris par turn and it got tbed for like 10 turns its bullshit and its still bullshit to have this up its being exploited so much people are not meaning to attack the city they are meaning to fuck up the other players moves its an exploit that has became future in this game,,,, simply 1should tb1 not 1tb 30 where is logic 1unit won the game gg pro player...
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
12.11.2017 - 02:27
 Ivan (Admin)
Napisano od Oleg, 11.11.2017 at 18:32

Okay, I tried to register an account using the same username that I have on the main server, and it says "account with this name already exists". I tried searching for that username in players list on the test server, and there is no exact name "Pavle". I suppose that test server uses the database that is connected to the main server database, am I right? I think that it isn't safe to have connected databases.

The database it's not connected, it's an older copy of the main database, that's why your account is there. We've deleted all sensitive info though, like e-mails and passwords, that's why you can't login into your old account and have to make a new one.
12.11.2017 - 02:32
 Ivan (Admin)
Napisano od Xanxth, 11.11.2017 at 20:02

I am not a super dank coder but I had some questions towards the dank devs. I made personal websites when I was younger, and I am touching up on my javascript but....

If HTML5 atWar uses JSON data to store... data(units,map borders, etc)
then what does silverlight use?
Which game engine did you guys base this off of, or did you guys work from scratch?
and wow i guess as of a few days ago, the developer tools has been disabled on atwar, there goes my learning experience.
Is there a changelog for the atwar-game.js (just curious i have seen it change from i think .43 to .48[but now dev tools are gone ])

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions, I have more for whoever knows the answers

1. Silverlight uses XAML for map borders.
2. It's not based on any game engine, though we do use some frameworks, like Bootstrap.
3. You can use developer tools on the test site. There's been rampant abuse of exploits in the game, that's why we've disabled them.
4. We don't have a changelog at the moment, though we probably should.
12.11.2017 - 02:33
 Ivan (Admin)
So, can we have any feedback on the two new updates? Do they work? Have you found a way to break them?
12.11.2017 - 04:36
Napisano od Ivan, 12.11.2017 at 02:27

Napisano od Oleg, 11.11.2017 at 18:32

Okay, I tried to register an account using the same username that I have on the main server, and it says "account with this name already exists". I tried searching for that username in players list on the test server, and there is no exact name "Pavle". I suppose that test server uses the database that is connected to the main server database, am I right? I think that it isn't safe to have connected databases.

The database is not connected, it's an older copy of the main database, that's why your account is there. We've deleted all sensitive info though, like e-mails and passwords, that's why you can't login to your old account and have to make a new one.

Okay, I saw that it's an older database of site, was funny to see latest CW games I actually tried to remember the password that I had 2years ago, didn't work xD .Thank you for the answer.
Napisano od Ivan, 12.11.2017 at 02:33

Have you found a way to break them?

I am speechless,

12.11.2017 - 05:12
Syrian force stop crying, tbs are part of the game.All of us have been tbed and lost, its not big deal.Maybe lowering max tb chance in 45% instead of 50 will do the trick.Lowering it further will destroy AW as we know it.Also stop crying and give admins a thank you for at last listening to community and trying even with baby steps.Also random guys who try to log in with same pw and account, bros do you even read main post before posting?
12.11.2017 - 06:26
Napisano od SyrianDevil, 11.11.2017 at 23:47


k fine we assume I agree with your argument.

Well, moving requires luck too. You need to predict your enemy's moves and move appropriately. Any beginner can guess and somehow guess correctly. In fact, anyone, anyone at all, can guess that your opponent won't defend and rush cap. It will work, sometimes, after all.

We should remove moving. Fuck moves.

12.11.2017 - 06:27
Napisano od Nations, 12.11.2017 at 05:12

Syrian force stop crying, tbs are part of the game.All of us have been tbed and lost, its not big deal.Maybe lowering max tb chance in 45% instead of 50 will do the trick.Lowering it further will destroy AW as we know it.Also stop crying and give admins a thank you for at last listening to community and trying even with baby steps.Also random guys who try to log in with same pw and account, bros do you even read main post before posting?

I feel we should make it more prio-based and less luck-based

12.11.2017 - 06:31
Napisano od SyrianDevil, 11.11.2017 at 23:47

Napisano od LukeTan, 11.11.2017 at 22:11

Napisano od SyrianDevil, 11.11.2017 at 12:08

biggest prove for me about this is that each time a guy loses for a turn block he says "nice tb" what does he possibly mean?

My simple counterargument to that is that people like gk have the entire community crying about their tbs while never getting tbed themselves.
Personally I have had a lot of people cry about tbs but never been tbed overexcessively myself.

Why, just why, is it that laochra/heat/gk somehow tb consistently, and not get tbed consistently, but the rest of the community cannot do likewise?

you wut?
laochra never tbed< laochra lost a cw against opi few days ago for a tb and got capped yesterday in a cw and said in clan chat "too many tbs"
what a shit counter argument... and of course gk wont get tbed when all he does is tb and rush... deal with it.. that makes game just luck luck luck we had enough of luck
its freaking luck nothing to do with skills cant you get it? i know i have it and opponent have it but its still luck luck luck no constant rule for it lol... you know why people doesnt rush rome in 3v3 now a days? because transports could be easily tbed and rip the player and you know why west games are likely to end turn 3? because we can easily 1 unit tb and rush the others cap for example paris or london really what sense does it make when you cannot even move its very gay very very gay the units attacking are targeting the city not the units inside it... people claimed tbs are necessary so you do not escape your stack to never get them killed if they are exposed for example and that applies for general walking alone to avoid death as well but well.. if someone wants to be retarded and leave his cap open to not get his stack killed then this is illogical reason to create the turn blocks shit...
you know? once upon a time at war had like 90% tb chance i have seen a video for very long ago players at 2013 the guy just sends 1 to paris par turn and it got tbed for like 10 turns its bullshit and its still bullshit to have this up its being exploited so much people are not meaning to attack the city they are meaning to fuck up the other players moves its an exploit that has became future in this game,,,, simply 1should tb1 not 1tb 30 where is logic 1unit won the game gg pro player...

You cry about the same thing every day luck tbs, luck rolls, luck this, luck that..
Your game skills are limited, i saw that in the duel we played a few days ago, instead of moving netherlands firstmove to avoid the tbs you did walls and taken spanish cities as firstmove

No need to cry man, everyone gets tbed, some players are just better at avoiding them, and at doing them (good players) and guys like you (noob forum spammers) are the ones who get tbed.
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

12.11.2017 - 06:33
Napisano od LukeTan, 12.11.2017 at 06:27

Napisano od Nations, 12.11.2017 at 05:12

Syrian force stop crying, tbs are part of the game.All of us have been tbed and lost, its not big deal.Maybe lowering max tb chance in 45% instead of 50 will do the trick.Lowering it further will destroy AW as we know it.Also stop crying and give admins a thank you for at last listening to community and trying even with baby steps.Also random guys who try to log in with same pw and account, bros do you even read main post before posting?

I feel we should make it more prio-based and less luck-based

It is prio based your chances double when your priority is higher, proof of that is that u will always tb 10 units with 1 if your 1 unit is 1st moved while the 10 units are 20+ priority
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

12.11.2017 - 06:36
My post got deleted...
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