Announcing the Official atWar Discord Server!
The Official Discord Server, separated from our various community run Discord servers, will be the upfront secondary mean of communication. Various discussions about upcoming atWar Events, pesky little map bugs, valuable assistance and mentorship on basic game play + mapmaking, etc will be happening on that Discord Server.
The aW Official Discord Server Will
● Serve as a social platform for our players
● Have web-hook integration for our Facebook + Twitter + Reddit pages.
● Be a hub for our translators to continue their work, with the various untranslated languages.
● Provide a secondary if not direction communication with our Moderator & Supporter Team.
● Be a focus point for our Social Media Partners, giving them valuable access to input on the various videos, memes, etc they might create.
● Be pivot for our invaluable mapmakers to bounce ideas off each other and the community
Please feel free to make any comments or bring any questions you have here: https://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=40382#m682276
Discord Server Invite Link: https://discord.gg/RgScJNJ[/size]