but tbh i dont blame them. its the admins that are incompetent failures, allowing this to happen
wait, WHAT!?
Anyway guys it's not healthy to start this type of discussion in every thread. Behind said, further discussion about the same topic will be removed. If you have any concern with us or lao I'm willing to hear it. Send me a message.
Let's keep this thread for actual WW2 topic.
Liar. You kicked chess twice just because you don't like him. Several players asked you to let him play and you refused. We remade. In spite of your behavior I publically extended an invite to you in good faith on global because we weren't going to lower ourselves to your level. But of course you were too proud to accept that and come here instead to complain and misrepresent the issue. There's no segregation, the problem is YOU. A grown man acting like a total child.
Troll. Chess is kicked because he didnt refresh page, was banned. You as MOD supported troll who ruined game and then encouraged FULL GAME to leave to join troll remake.
Couldn't take ss from yesterday as lightshot was down. Will find a way to provide proof as well.
Not even going to mention that WW2 where Chess and you sabotaged while the rest of us axis tried to save the situation: you didnt move an inch into Russia for 30 turns while Chess needed 20 turns to cap UK and didnt help Vichy(me) and Italy(j-e-s-u-s), then losing vs Brazil accusing me.
Not going to mention troll syrian as everyone already knows him, but here are some more from Illyria:
Lao(or better Mao) using these toxic players to ruin games.
Ain't replying here anymore, from now on only to admins, because i can't compete with trolling mod and ex-mod troll.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
Napisano od Tundy, 01.07.2018 at 17:05
Napisano od 4nic, 01.07.2018 at 16:43
Now that unleashed is banned, ultimate ww2 can flourish again
Yes, ban the guy who made the map lol
And let the player who trolled the map to play again (Chess) xD
He's hosting again and half players there are from Illyria (his supporters). They are again creating elitism, supporting only each other and segregating, nothing changes. They can troll, insult, ban, kick and still recieve medals, promotions, pc drops, and treat the rest of us like sh*t.
Nothing changes.
Lol now I understand why laochra had to delete the banlist - 4nic who trolled ww2 is from illirya, so he must be allowed to keep playing. His ban was genuine, yet he can play all he wants, and troll anytime he wants.
but tbh i dont blame them. its the admins that are incompetent failures, allowing this to happen
that game when you hosted ww2 many many people came to chat with alts or posted global messages complaining about your ban list and many competitive players was banned by you for no reason at all one example to mention is that you banned muelle cuz he said he doesnt like the map, and you banned 4nic in the first place with written reason like "So you want to join the brunch? so be it" posting a forum post as a reason for your ban in the first place while you had no idea of his game play and the only way he joined when he played as romania is cuz i hosted tik tok's map not yours so ye go to hell with your ban list
you sent me a message when i was 14 years old out of nowhere here its 
you used tunder's account to ruin a ww2 casual tournament game after we waited 2 hours you left after 5 secs of game start as germany and nobody did a shit to you while you yourself keep hosting ww2 tournaments shamelessly
flaming and abusing everybody and you have a wide history of abusing your ban list and i myself was wondering why weren't i banned until i saw this 
I see before laochra and chess became mods you were banned and have got a ban list warning so whats there to discuss anymore, Now you still come and act like a victim just get tu fuk
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Liar. You kicked chess twice just because you don't like him. Several players asked you to let him play and you refused. We remade. In spite of your behavior I publically extended an invite to you in good faith on global because we weren't going to lower ourselves to your level. But of course you were too proud to accept that and come here instead to complain and misrepresent the issue. There's no segregation, the problem is YOU. A grown man acting like a total child.
Troll. Chess is kicked because he didnt refresh page, was banned. You as MOD supported troll who ruined game and then encouraged FULL GAME to leave to join troll remake.
Couldn't take ss from yesterday as lightshot was down. Will find a way to provide proof as well.
Not even going to mention that WW2 where Chess and you sabotaged while the rest of us axis tried to save the situation: you didnt move an inch into Russia for 30 turns while Chess needed 20 turns to cap UK and didnt help Vichy(me) and Italy(j-e-s-u-s), then losing vs Brazil accusing me.
Ain't replying here anymore, from now on only to admins, because i can't compete with trolling mod and ex-mod troll.

Ban this guy for leaving games and sucking "failing to win against an austria who used 600+gen unit 400 of them main attack against russia and then blaming russia and banning russia cuz it seems the same request his asking here" and losing against a first timer germany taking the lines "which are a major advantage for usa if you deny that you need mental help" as an excuse for losing uk by turn 5
fking hypocrite spitting bullshits all around about other legit players cuz his a fking loser
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Ban this guy for leaving games and sucking "failing to win against an austria who used 600+gen unit 400 of them main attack against russia and then blaming russia and banning russia cuz it seems the same request his asking here" and losing against a first timer germany taking the lines "which are a major advantage for usa if you deny that you need mental help" as an excuse for losing uk by turn 5
fking hypocrite spitting bullshits all around about other legit players cuz his a fking loser
Looks who's talking:
You sabotage games and leave, nothing more to add, i aint going down to your level of insulting, trolling and sabotaging.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
Ban this guy for leaving games and sucking "failing to win against an austria who used 600+gen unit 400 of them main attack against russia and then blaming russia and banning russia cuz it seems the same request his asking here" and losing against a first timer germany taking the lines "which are a major advantage for usa if you deny that you need mental help" as an excuse for losing uk by turn 5
fking hypocrite spitting bullshits all around about other legit players cuz his a fking loser
Looks who's talking:
You sabotage games and leave, nothing more to add, i aint going down to your level of insulting, trolling and sabotaging.
Nice screenshot that didnt include the whole map like that i lost my northern borders to the elves and didnt include the rhun getting raped hard, the red that did 0 advance the half dead isen , we all know every gondor city of these you put an arrow for like a smart ass has this 
while my remaining units consists of 1-2 damage militia and this 5 damage 5 hp unit with 1500 income
And they do defend last so its obvious they are my remaining units you smart ass 
and are supposed to push against the gondorian walls i mentioned and these units with this 1st turn not the tenth one's income
this game's events that can be confirmed by every guy who spectated it especially Laochra(Japan) PleaseMe(Germany) Njab(Chaina) Isen(Manchuria) Unleashed(UK) Chess(Thailand) Tunder(USA)
1-Germany wins then leaves cuz he gtg 2- Western USA uses a broken strategy to ignore Navy japan whom army does consist of Good transportion system for a big stack of militia/inf that can only fight on land and has no incomes to fight navy/air power outside of a city and fighters get no bonus against bombers as well leaves the strategy of ignoring navy japan and capping tokyo by turn 6 a broke shit to be done 3-Axis left cuz it was a clear defeat but not before Germany who was winning did leave
your screenshot shows already that japan and korea are occupied and we had no army despite the fact you didnt take a ss for the totally occupied china you rather prefarred to max the zoom in and include 40% of the screenshot's area a empty stuff and you didn't expend the chat to show anything but what you want to appear cuz you think you are a smart ass manipulating a little part of the fact to create a fake new to spread

ye ban all people who allies other people in a RP map(rome political) whom contains "POLITICAL" on its name
Wait a little, you were egypt So why didnt you get banned from the map cuz you left turn 3 taking this as an excuse?
such a loser..
and again im not explaining what you already know to you im just putting it up there to the people who will think you are a victim and thinks that you are actually make sense and deserve to be heard
shameless hypocrite
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
Troll. Chess is kicked because he didnt refresh page, was banned. You as MOD supported troll who ruined game and then encouraged FULL GAME to leave to join troll remake.
Couldn't take ss from yesterday as lightshot was down. Will find a way to provide proof as well.
Not even going to mention that WW2 where Chess and you sabotaged while the rest of us axis tried to save the situation: you didnt move an inch into Russia for 30 turns while Chess needed 20 turns to cap UK and didnt help Vichy(me) and Italy(j-e-s-u-s), then losing vs Brazil accusing me.
Not going to mention troll syrian as everyone already knows him, but here are some more from Illyria:
Lao(or better Mao) using these toxic players to ruin games.
Ain't replying here anymore, from now on only to admins, because i can't compete with trolling mod and ex-mod troll.
Except what actually happened is you got capped and chess recapped you. Both me and chess even funded you but you went off sulking. You made a 180 stack and sat outside morocco with it for 20 turns having 0 impact and ultimately leaving. Anyone who dies in a game with a large stack still intact is a bad player. Romania moved his stack in the wrong direction and failed to apply pressure to clovis who decided to risk throwing 120 at my nearby cap. I was gw and hadnt built enough waffens to hold. This wasn't trolling it was just inexperienced players doing the wrong thing.
Also http://prntscr.com/k1nidq.
But you lie and misrepresent the situation to make us look bad and you look the victim. Well andartes i loathe liars so you're going onto my personal banlist. If you want off it you can apologise.
Alright, hope you guys had enough.